No war. Just an honest discussion. Universal is here. They have always been here. That's cool. Just offering them an opportunity to step out from the shadows and have their voice heard. Not be me, or my interpretation of their actions, but with their own voice.
Brawner Greer called me out. S/he didn't have the courage to do so publically, even though everything I did was upfront and public. I'm just offering him/her the opportunity to take responsibility for their words and actions and be upfront, honest and transparent.
Look, I'm an individual and most certainly don't have the weight of a huge corporate legal department. I have done nothing wrong and won't be bullied. I would like nothing more than for M. Greer to truly read my posts and see them for how they were intended: a tribute to the very people they accuse me of disrespecting. In addition, they have "demanded" that I turn over information to them that a) I don't have and b) they have no legal ground to ask of me.
Universal, everyone here is hoping and believing you have created something truly magical here. Don't ruin it by creating a PR issue. It's not nice or necessary.