Orlando theme parks are very pretty, and very well kept and I expect nothing less from the WW. The rest of Central Florida is a hell hole except for the WW that is being developed by the glorious Universal Studios which is owned by NBC and in turn owned by General Electric. Driving is seriously dangerous in central Florida, yet you cannot drive in the WWOHP, so you should be ok... if you live to get there. Crime might be low, but what is lower than 180%? But I am confident that you will be 90% safe on any theme park property. The WWOHP is going to be great no matter how many meet unfortunate circumstances of the filth and danger that is Central Florida if they step off property... especially Kirkman Road... it is on the news every other day. Regardless, the theme parks are great... but if you have never been before, have your children had an ekg for an enlarged heart? Be prepared parents! Don't assume anything about your childs health. Otherwise, I am equally excited about this new theme park, excuse me... themed land.