Nono, the canopy would only be temporary, just until some new plants grow in and obscure the view of Hogwarts from Jurassic Park. After this, everything would be taken off. But I still think that Jurassic Park should have more mist. Like, everywhere. Not too much, but just a small little wisp to keep the island mysterious like it should be.
Now, in Jurassic Park, I'm pretty sure that theming the FJ ride building to Jurassic Park would make guests happier. For example, the building can be themed to a research facility and have faux windows and themed trees just to add to the effect.
Regarding the Dragons' new queue, I'm overall impressed. I think that the lamps were a nice touch, and the melted wax was pretty cool. I'm sure that once the music is added, the whole effect will be better. Now, on the ride, I still think the track colors should be changed, ASAP. They CLASH like titans with Hogsmeade. It's not too noticable, but once you're in the queue, you can tell. I know that people know it as being red/blue, but in this case, the colors need to be changed. Maybe for the horntail to be a dark maroon base with fiery orange tracks and the fireball has a blue base with black tracks.
In Hogsmeade, the snow needs a touchup around the icicles. The white paint looks quite sloppy.
Approaching Hogwarts from Hogsmeade will be simply stunning, but, of course, Universal has yet to do anything about the huge showbuilding seen to the right, as well as from the greenhouse extended queue. It will be obvious from there, too.
We'll see guys. We'll see.