Since UO has stated that there is some type of encounter with Voldy, I'm guessing he's part of the film-making, not AA (at least that's my prayer). I don't want another Wicked Witch type AA, like in Great Movie Ride. And if the finale is with Dementors, perhaps Voldy sends them to us (Muggles); after all, it's the dementors that control all the Muggle-borns in the Ministry of Magic in DH, so there is a logical story connection to Voldy not attacking us, but sending his servants to attack the muggles.
Out of all the possible creature-encounter finales, I'm glad they chose dementors. Even though they're not my personal favorite ("Dementor's Kiss" just sounds there tongue involved?), few of the other creatures would thematically make a great finale. The demontors are in most of the books (3-7), actually pose a significant threat to the characters, and are under Voldy's power. The Basilisk (which will hopefully be there) is a fantastic final creature, but is dead by the end of Book 2. I do hope there is at least one confrontation with Snape, though...does he count as a creature? :idea2: