Im kinda sad. Uni please cover the building. (ask Oprah to donate 500,000 dollars, she might do it)
heheh, good idea.
Nah, I am just ranting. I dont really care.
A done product is a done product.
My problem now, is more on the "WHAT WAS ON THE DESIGNERS AND PRODUCERS MIND" when this crap happened.
Anyone, absolutely ANYONE who works in the CREATIVE and ARTISTIC INDUSTRIES
we all have common senses and sensiblities and of course differences.
But what happened? (like a movie that bombed, ie Clash of the Titans)
something happened during those executive meetings that messed up the Designers in their quest to cover the show building.
I refuse to belive ANY designer would design the way it is NOW during their BlueSky time.
You dont just draw and then, discovered that you didnt cover the building.
I am just guessing some monetary executive told Mark Woodbury, nah, no money,
and Woodbury just said, alright, nothing we can do.
Then, All designers and producers "AHH man, really?? the show building is going to be visible??? come on man! let us do someting about it"
Then, another producer would say, "but nah, we will never make it on time to open and on budget, too many politics, if we mess up this time"
Then everyone else just shut their mouth and feel sad inside.
And probably said to themselves "IF ONLY OPRAH gave us some money...." man, ELLEN can give them money! she is rich now since she is on American Idol!!
graahh!!! I hate upper management with no creative senses!!!
(please dont defend the executives, because it is like defending for Wall Street"
--- Update ---
change of small SUBJECT
Whats up with Moaning Myrtle???!
reports says she is there IN THE BATHROOM
do you think is a fake bathroom in the queue of FJ
Or a sound effect in the real Bathroom of Hogsmead?
Plus, I wonder if the real bathroom are themed.
YOU KNOW, old woody style or completely 2010 brand new toilets?!?!!!?!