Not really on-topic, but an interesting article about how Disney has been able to remain strong despite the recession, leaving Universal and SeaWorld to tumble in attendance figures:
The more we learn about Universal's financial situation, it makes sense why there are such tight reigns on the PR and publicity about WWoHP -- it truly is their Ace-in-the-Hole.
There are some interesting remarks in the article (and the following comments) about customer service at Universal (and its lack of quality), and I do think they are legitimate concerns for the longevity of WWoHP. Many tourists don't care about customer service -- they will attend regardless because it's HP. But two factors that greatly influence a theme park's sucess are its repeat customers, and the word-of-mouth that spreads to other potential travelers. Universal needs help here, and it has to come from company vision (management).
TMs are paid minimum wage (as are most CMs at Disney) to serve guests who pay through the nose for admission, Universal Express (often as expensive as the ticket itself, during HHN), food, merchandise, parking, and God-knows-what-else -- they expect to be treated like VIPs, because they're paying like VIPs. Folks over at Disney certainly pay around the same, especially for merchandise, but somehow, Disney has the winning hand at customer service.
Sorry, long post, but there's not much else to talk about.