To be honest, the whole riddle thing was cute at first, but now it's frikin ridiculous. It's not even about giving actual info, it's about who's riddle can one-up the last person's riddle and who can try and decipher these ridiculous hints. If you have info that you feel you're able to share, spit it the heck out. If you don't feel you can share it for fear of legal recourse, then why the heck would it be okay to post a solvable riddle about it? Spilling the beans in code is still spilling the beans. This thread has gone from actual discussion, speculation, and photo posting to a giant battle of "I know more than you do so shut up." It's like a bunch of guys bragging about how many girls they've shagged. I don't care how much inside knowledge you have or how big your downtown bonanza is. If you have concrete info that you can share, share it. If you don't, don't. If you feel the need to keep up with this ridiculous metaphor and riddle junk, then maybe it's time for a "WWoHP solve-this-riddle" thread, and leave this thread to legitimate, non jr-high-style-drama talk. Jeebus.