I am reposting my two hints yet unanswered. A few of you are sooooooooo close. But... I will not defy Uni Legal... but I will skirt around them...
Another Universal image... Dumbledore would say of it, "What you perceive that you see... is not what it appears at all". What a real estate salesman might say, "location, location, location!"
There is more to the dead center of this Universal image than you can imagine. It is far more than it appears, both figuratively and literally. Just ask yourself, "If I were to walk into the area in the center of that image and keep walking and walking... and then look to my right... what might I see?" From the picture... I say "it is impossible.... totally impossible. What am I missing, and even if I could... what is to the right, what might be to the right?" Legit as Wednesday... yet there will be no help at all on this one.