So once again, my job at a Florida grocery store has proven to be pretty beneficial to my Wizarding World updates.
This first picture is an excerpt from the May issue of our company newsletter.
This second picture is from my store's gift card rack (There is no gift card attached, it is just there as a notice).
I take this to mean that Universal is going to sell tickets advertising the soft openings. They're going to put out gift cards, for the regular admission price, but they will say something like, "Come now to experience the Wizarding World of Harry Potter BEFORE the Grand Opening in June!"
I didn't get a chance to ask today, but my guess is that my store already has these gift cards, but can't display them yet. They probably came in a box that said "DO NOT DISPLAY UNTIL ________" When I find out what that do not display date is I will let you all know, because that is going to be the soft opening date.