Is there evidence that Disney had a shot at WWoHP? I'd like to see some.
JK conceived Harry Potter, carried him in her proverbial womb through boxes of back-story, and then gave birth through 7 novels, 4 of which are over 700 pages long. All mothers find it hard to let go. Wouldn't you?
The "accuracy" of the Wizarding World may be compromised here and there by Muggle products and brand names, but frankly I'm thankful they haven't gone the road of corporate sponsorships, like Disney has had to do. Can you imagine "Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry: Presented by Sylvania, a Seimens Company"? "Welcome to Gringott's Wizarding Bank, brought to you by your friends at Goldman-Sachs!"
All the world's an advertisement, thus quoth the bard. And men and women are merely consumers. Even those on vacation in a magical world.