Thank you so much for that post, Scott, I think everyone here is really fired up now about the queue and not about things that we can't answer, lol.
But Universal, yes you, if you're reading this, I'd like to really point out some things that I'm not finding fit:
1. The show building. I know that there is limited money, but you have to really find a way to fix seeing it from the entrance to the Forbidden Journey. Now, I'm sure you're already doing that, but just saying.
2. The colors of the Dragons. Again, budget is limited, I know, but at least a rusted color overlay must be added. The colors clash with Hogsmeade.
3. The moment right as you're going up Dragons' queue. The left side... I mean, I think this could have been done in a better fashion. This isn't like your usual and amazing standards.
4. The real openness of the Forbidden Journey plaza. The space is really cool and it adds a great feeling of 'WOAH' to the castle, but a couple of intermittent trees could be added to give the place a bit of shade.
5. The released vehicles picture. I feel really embarrassed talking about this because I feel guilty about the picture arising here when it shouldn't have even come up, but I have to say this: The vehicles must be painted. And aged. They're too bright. Again, I'm sure this is already being done, maybe even this second, but I'm adding this as a 'just in case'.
6. The entrances into Hogsmeade. I don't know how much it will cost, but you have to add a sign saying The Wizarding World. Maybe you can even leave out 'of Harry Potter', but I think this is necessary for tourists. It'd really be perfect if it only appears every, like, 5-10 seconds and just out of nowhere, it appears. Like in the Tower of Terror's sign. Fiber optic cables would be amazing.
In the world of picky-ness, I think this post would be really picky. I know. But I have to at least 'bold-face' them in one definite post. And I think most people on this board agree with me on at least one of these topics.
Just for clarification, I LOVE YOU, UNIVERSAL. Don't get me wrong. At all.