Sorry to detract from the topic at hand (My guess: Continental?) but I wanted to tell you all I had my first ever dream about WWoHP last night!!!
First Dream:
I dreamt I got there on Sat. to find the area was indeed softing and FJ was open. So I got to wait in the line (Was 45 mins). I got to see everything we talked about (Dungeon was super-small, talking portraits were cool, Musion effect was neat but not as impressive as I imagined it being, and I was attacked by some kind of hog thing). When I got to the loading area they said they were only using us to test out the queue and were not allowed on the ride. I left super-pissed that I waited in a 45 min line and didn't even get on the ride. Some guests were talking to me about how they thought it wasn't even the real queue and Universal had set up a fake one to mess with us.
2nd dream about HP:
I also dreamt I went to a huge Library with 2 friends. We wanted to check out the restricted area and were chased by some security, we managed to evade them and sneak into the restricted section where I found 2 HP books. One was named Harry Potter and The Wizarding World of Orlando (Was about some Harry Potter Secrets, had nothing to do with the theme park), and the other one was about how Harry Potter's world actually exists and how to go about finding it. I guessed the latter book was why security didn't want us to find this section. Instead of going to the lobby to check it out, we went to the librarian that was in the restricted section (By this time we had realized the librarians and security belonged to some kind of cult that were devoted to keeping the truth about Harry Potter and his world a secret, we figured if security saw us with the book they'd confiscate it, which is why we went to the other librarian). We told her we wanted to buy it (Library was also a book store BTW), but instead she would only allow us to check it out, of course after a few minutes of arguing with her she must have remembered the importance of the book and quickly told us she had to put it on reserve and kicked us out of the Library. We came up with a plan. One of us distracted security while another snuck in thru a window into the reserve section, found the book, and stole it away. Security realized this and came chasing after us, eventually we successfully escaped with book in hand. Then I woke up.
all this in the span of one night...I woke up and was like...WTF??