Very excited about having 4K on those dome screens (should be even better quality footage than Transformers considering it's the same 4K but on smaller domes). The wind installation is also great for a few reasons.
Those physical additions you've mentioned before have me very excited for our version! Sucks that they were cut from your version, especially considering what big of a hit it turned out to be. Any chance your version will get the physical upgrades in the future?
One thing that made me worried when you previously mentioned us getting the physical additions was that they might get cut in the end, with Universal management saying "well we cut these physical effects out from the Florida version and it turned out to be a hit, so why bother spending more on this version?"
But I hope that's just me being paranoid due to previous Universal mistakes
I'm also curious if we will get an improved locker system for FJ since the one in Florida is such a nightmare and is one of the reasons they cant use their Gate A/Express entrance. Either way, I'm hoping they DON'T use Gate A here either, just so they can advertise the separate Hogwarts Tour as a separate attraction (and thus increasing attraction count artificially).