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The WWE Thread

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The Royal Rumble has always been my favorite PPV but tonight was just pure garbage. The crowd could care less about the Cena/Orton match. Bryan/YES/Boring/Cena sucks chants throughout. Including "We want refunds". And this is before the rumble match. Around the 20th entrant crowd starts chanting for Bryan. Batista comes out to boos, Punk gets eliminated in lame fashion. Rey Mysterio of all people is #30 and he gets booed out of the building. No one wanted to see Batista win, Roman Reigns was even getting support before he was eliminated.

Everyone wants to see Bryan, no matter how much they try to bury him. He did have a good match with Wyatt, and even though he lost it made sense. They are trying to build Bray for his feud with Cena, where he will then be buried. Just shows how much control HHH has now. New Age Outlaws winning the tag titles is cool from a nostalgic standpoint but I don't see where it's going. Kevin Nash as a surprise entrant was cool, but it was done 3 years ago. Orton/Batista likely main event at WrestleMania, barring WWE changing it up after the universally negative reaction to tonight. All Triple H's guys. And he's also likely to book himself over Punk at Mania since Punks likely out the door come summer time.

Haven't been this upset after a PPV since I was a kid.

@smitty I knew it all along :lol:

Couldn't agree more with this post WWE as a product is a complete joke. Bryan is put in the first match of the night the crowd started off mental and electric. He lost to Wyatt which is okay as it serves a purpose, as the rumble dragged on with the Bryan chants kept building especially climaxing at the #30 spot this would have been the ideal part for Bryan to serve his purpose. Out comes Rey to huge boo's, the only cheer he got was when he was eliminated. Punk getting eliminated the way he was is too stupid. One of the biggest heels getting cheered over the Rumble winner shows how out of touch wwe is with their own audience.

Will WWE learn? No apparently it knows whats best for business. This is the first Rumble which has truly annoyed me, I always look forward to the Rumble probably more then wrestlemania.
I like Daniel Bryan a lot, but all those chanting his name need to get over it. Daniel Bryan was in the best match of the rumble, he shone much brighter in that match than he possibly could have in the rumble match itself. As for WWE not listening to fans, why should they? The idea is that it is real competition, listening to the fans would destroy that illusion. If WWE really was against Bryan, then he'd just be a jobber like Ziggler or Sandow; granted he may have lost against Wyatt, but the loss was necessary to bring an end to that feud. Some rumors have Bryan fight Sheamus at Wrestlemania, though Undertaker vs Bryan has also been mentioned.

In any case, I am a Bray Wyatt fan, expecting great things for him!
@batsmouth I had optimism for some reason :lol:

WWE cant let Orton/Batista headline mania, the crowd will just **** all over it, they have two options

1: Have Brock win the title at EC, have Brock vs Batista be the main event

2: Get Bryan in the main event via triple threat, a la HBK in 2004
I like Daniel Bryan a lot, but all those chanting his name need to get over it. Daniel Bryan was in the best match of the rumble, he shone much brighter in that match than he possibly could have in the rumble match itself. As for WWE not listening to fans, why should they? The idea is that it is real competition, listening to the fans would destroy that illusion. If WWE really was against Bryan, then he'd just be a jobber like Ziggler or Sandow; granted he may have lost against Wyatt, but the loss was necessary to bring an end to that feud. Some rumors have Bryan fight Sheamus at Wrestlemania, though Undertaker vs Bryan has also been mentioned.

In any case, I am a Bray Wyatt fan, expecting great things for him!

Lul wut? Shined brighter then winning the rumble, what planet are you? And it's called completing a story line, if the WWE keeps pulling this level of booking they are going to end up with a lot of lost fans. They are an entertainment business to an extent so they should listen to their fans who generate them revenue. Who really still believes that wrestling is real, please that ship sailed a long time ago.

Oh yay Sheamus vs Brian - what a way to waste the most popular wrestler on your roster

Wrestlemania looks amazing Orton Vs Batista, Bryan vs Sheamus, Lesnar vs Taker, HHH vs Punk.

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@batsmouth I had optimism for some reason :lol:

WWE cant let Orton/Batista headline mania, the crowd will just **** all over it, they have two options

1: Have Brock win the title at EC, have Brock vs Batista be the main event

2: Get Bryan in the main event via triple threat, a la HBK in 2004

I think option 2 is the only logical route, I can't see Brock Vs Batista. Brock can't become a face and Batista is literally hated as a person. It's like a real life heel vs a heel :lol:. Brock is part time so how can he carry the title, it's like Taker or even like The Rock. But at least the Rock had the greatest ever wrestler to go with it.
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I watched the Rumble last night at a Buffalo Wild Wings, and the crowd there was really into it. Things got ugly really quick when Rey Mysterio was #30. :lol:

What a disgraceful show, though. The Wyatt/Bryan match was awesome but the rest was just trash. The Rock came back and was put in the position to carry the company for a few months... but he's one of the most well known celebrities on the planet. He's a movie star and one of the greatest wrestlers of all time.

Batista was a B star in an era filled with B stars. He's a nobody. If the main event of WM30 is really Randy Orton vs. Batista.... then wow. Just wow.
Main event was decent, not as good as I had hoped but still fun. Also liked the opening segment and Sin cara and Rey vs The RA

Cesaro is quickly becoming a favorite of mine

And I think we see either Brock or DB win in the chamber match, both would be fine with me
Just did some googling, seems Wrestlemania will have Bryan vs Triple H, CM Punk got mad because that was suppose to be his match. So probably wrestlemania would have had Punk vs Kane, seems there were a lot of quick re-writes, makes me wonder if Kane eliminating Punk from the Rumble was not originally planned. I don't think title will change at Elimination Chamber, though I pretty sure Batista will win at Wrestlemania. Bryan will defeat Triple H and then embark upon a new championship run versus Batista. Also, seems Elimination Chamber will have the Wyatts vs the Shield, am looking forward to that!

In any case, it is actually quite ironic how wrestling storylines can mimic real life, it might not be real as a sport, but it definitely has a lot of real ego involved.
Last nights SD spoilers show great things, Shield vs Wyatts + Cesaro and Christian in the chamber = me marking out

Give Cesaro a main event push plz, dude is #3 best worker with Punk gone behind Bryan and Brock, which means hes also my #3 favorite.

Screw Batista as not only has he hijacked Bryan from the ME of mania but hes also now causing your #2 full timer in Punk to quit the company, all while getting a title shot in a match no one wants to see.
Yeah Batista coming back really screwed things up for everyone. There's no doubt that back in November back when Punk/Bryan were feuding with Wyatt's/Shield that it was just something for them to do until one of them wins the Rumble and the other would feud with Triple H for WrestleMania. Then news of Batista returning and winning the Rumble put there roles in limbo. A lot of things has WWE dumbfounded pretty much. The overwhelming support for Daniel Bryan and the overall negative reaction to Batista and now there #2 or 3 guy just walked out. Rough week for WWE.

While I'm a big Daniel Bryan fan now, Punk is my favorite current superstar. Hopefully they can work something out soon so he's at Mania
Yeah Batista coming back really screwed things up for everyone. There's no doubt that back in November back when Punk/Bryan were feuding with Wyatt's/Shield that it was just something for them to do until one of them wins the Rumble and the other would feud with Triple H for WrestleMania. Then news of Batista returning and winning the Rumble put there roles in limbo. A lot of things has WWE dumbfounded pretty much. The overwhelming support for Daniel Bryan and the overall negative reaction to Batista and now there #2 or 3 guy just walked out. Rough week for WWE.

While I'm a big Daniel Bryan fan now, Punk is my favorite current superstar. Hopefully they can work something out soon so he's at Mania

They've really done it to themselves if this isn't a work. Why WWE is so desperate for Batista to win the rumble and take up a main event slot at wrestlemania when they have guys like Punk, Bryan, Cesaro, Ziggler, The Shield who they can build and push is beyond me.

If he went back to TNA I think that could be a game changer in Wrestling like Hogan with WCW and real competition for WWE is good news all around. But I can see Bryan winning the WWE title before that happens :lol:
Do any of you guys watch PWG? Its an awesome indy fed. They dont do Ippvs but do DVDs.

If you dont want to buy DVDS, theres a great website called Xtreme Wrestling Torrents, but you didn't here it from me :p
Anyone download the network? It's been up for almost a full day and it's still not functioning on 360. Didn't have much time today to get into it but with more time on my hands tomorrow hopefully they resolve the issue. As of now you still can't even log on to your WWE account. But I have it on my phone with the app and it is really cool. Just going through some of the PPVS brings back the nostalgia. Don't like watching things on my phone so here's hoping it's resolved tomorrow