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Theme Parks & Shopping Districts Reopening General Thread

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The studies show that most people aren't going to buy flights until 2-ish months after the "all clear".

Let's assume that things don't get worse and Disney's opening date is around the "all clear" for most of the country. People probably won't start booking in large numbers until September/October. And then most people book their vacations a few months in advance. Meaning November/December us probably when we'll see crowds start to rebound at a significant clip.

Again, assuming all stays relatively well on the Rona front
Concerns me that Disney are opening so much later than the other parks. It’ll definitely be crucial that universal limit their capacity carefully since they don’t have a reservation system.
Concerns me that Disney are opening so much later than the other parks. It’ll definitely be crucial that universal limit their capacity carefully since they don’t have a reservation system.
It's extremely smart on Disney's part to open later. Not only is this when I think this is when the parks should be open anyway, but it allows Disney to escape any criticism if cases and deaths suddenly surge in Orlando and allows them to adjust if that were to happen.

Disney's letting all other parks be the guinea pigs before they open up their gates.
It's one day. We'll talk when this is happening for a week.

The fact is there is not enough of a local base in orlando to fill theme parks (which have FAR bigger capacities than World of Disney) consistently.
Well since they wont be able to fill them for months anyway, that's fine.

Point is they wont be able to let everyone in so if most if not all days reach capacity even if its only 25-75% thats great. They can't have more people even if they wanted to for now

I just think people are ready to do things and local who months ago didnt care to go to the parks might want to now because they can't travel or don't want to. I know for the first time in 5 years want a Disneyland AP because the crowds will finally be low
Point is they wont be able to let everyone in so if most if not all days reach capacity even if its only 25-75% thats great. They can't have more people even if they wanted to for now

By "fill" I meant "fill at decreased capacity". There's just not enough locals in the Orlando area for that to happen.

*Maybe* in California. But not in Orlando.
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I am becoming worried as to the levels of people that could show up to SeaWorld and Universal due to the lack of reservation systems.
I think you’re overestimating how many people will show up initially to require a reservation system. I think Uni should have one, but I don’t think it’s going to be the mad dash, initially.
Yea, I think the AP previews and first few days/weekend will be killer at Universal... and then crickets. But hey, I could be wrong.
To touch on these 3 - maybe. It’s all such an unknown and people have been cooped up. We’re also in the social media age, and even with our tiny beach trip, my wife got a ton of messages from friends. Ones who have been cooped up and distancing. Almost at an instant, Fear Of Missing Out was greater than the Fear of COVID.
These companies have preyed on social media and used its addictive properties against the consumers for years and have perfected it. I could easily see FOMO ruling supreme and filling the parks up. Especially when you compound that with being holed up in your house and not being social.

It’s uncharted territory.

The fact is there is not enough of a local base in orlando to fill theme parks (which have FAR bigger capacities than World of Disney) consistently.
Correct. They’ll be reliant upon those driving. And I wouldn’t count out a flood of people driving in “because it’s safer than flying”. And gas is very cheap right now.

The studies show that most people aren't going to buy flights until 2-ish months after the "all clear".
100%. People still aren’t willing to fly.
Personal anecdote, flying was a dream. So, so easy (at least on SW w/ reduced capacity). I’d trade wearing a mask indefinitely for no middle seats being occupied. :lol: That said- I also fly a ton, like you. You actually might like it better, tbh. But for someone who doesn’t fly a lot, I could see flying being way more stressful than normal right now.

But to add onto your point with little flying- there are none internationally. Having no international tourists is going to impact Disney a lot. And SeaWorld even more. Universal? Some, but not as much as those 2.
To touch on these 3 - maybe. It’s all such an unknown and people have been cooped up. We’re also in the social media age, and even with our tiny beach trip, my wife got a ton of messages from friends. Ones who have been cooped up and distancing. Almost at an instant, Fear Of Missing Out was greater than the Fear of COVID.
These companies have preyed on social media and used its addictive properties against the consumers for years and have perfected it. I could easily see FOMO ruling supreme and filling the parks up. Especially when you compound that with being holed up in your house and not being social.

It’s uncharted territory.

All true...but the economics question has to be raised as well. Are people going to want to spend all that money on a theme park vacation right now when the economic future is cloudy at best?

Plus, if crowds *do* show up initially, will that help or hurt things moving forward? That would be a fascinating thing to see. I know I saw that video from the Ozarks and started boarding up my windows. :lol:

100%. People still aren’t willing to fly.
Personal anecdote, flying was a dream. So, so easy (at least on SW w/ reduced capacity). I’d trade wearing a mask indefinitely for no middle seats being occupied. :lol: That said- I also fly a ton, like you. You actually might like it better, tbh. But for someone who doesn’t fly a lot, I could see flying being way more stressful than normal right now.

But to add onto your point with little flying- there are none internationally. Having no international tourists is going to impact Disney a lot. And SeaWorld even more. Universal? Some, but not as much as those 2.

I'm wary on flying for now, but data does seem to point to it being relatively safe, even if it's not perceived that way. Still, we won't be flying for a while due to other reasons.

The international travel is a huge hit, especially if Brazil continues to do little to control their spread. Losing the South American market for months will really, really hurt Orlando.
Wow, no parades or fireworks for Disney for a while after reopening

Just thinking out loud but this is the part that makes me really curious about MNSSHP.

The first night is a little over a month after MK opens, if by then fireworks, parades and meet & greets are still off the table-all that’s left (that makes your ticket “special”) is trick r treating.
Just thinking out loud but this is the part that makes me really curious about MNSSHP.

The first night is a little over a month after MK opens, if by then fireworks, parades and meet & greets are still off the table-all that’s left (that makes your ticket “special”) is trick r treating.
...OR, maybe Disney will leverage the parties as the only place you can see fireworks or parades at WDW.
One of the problems with fireworks is there are serious problems in the supply chain of product from China. If they wanted to do a fireworks display. They could do a perimeter "in the round" show that isn't focused behind the castle. Hammer through advertising "Where ever you are standing in the park is a great spot to watch the fireworks!"
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Disney waiting until July, makes sense. While the blessing of size is often a positive, in this case it would be a big negative, co-ordinating to put all the pieces together and moving smoothly after being shut down for more than two months. Plus, most of the workforce was furloughed, which also would tend to slow things up. It takes time to turn a battleship.
Or they'll do something else for MNSSHP besides the parade and fireworks this year to make up for it.
Or they dramatically reduce attendance caps so that fireworks and parades become viable.
...OR, maybe Disney will leverage the parties as the only place you can see fireworks or parades at WDW.

I can see any of the above happening. I was just told they’re pausing selling tickets, but I don’t know if that’s including the parties so if it does include them, it sounds like they’re already taking the further capping tickets route.

And the near-walk-on wait times for the Haunted Mansion.

Also, God forgive me for forgetting the Hocus Pocus show.
...OR, maybe Disney will leverage the parties as the only place you can see fireworks or parades at WDW.
Thats so evil.......fits Disney normal MO perfectly.

Maybe even Universal will do the same with the Potter Light shows for HHN since I doubt they will have any other kinda shows.
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