Eh, sure it could've been more "cool" but that's not really something you can debate the merits of... I have to argue that it was indeed a part needed in the film.
They initially went to the city to rally the gods to defeat Gorr. There was nothing in it for the other Gods, and they tried to keep Thor & party there as prisoners to prevent all of them from dying, rather than risk life and limb in a conflict that did not directly concern them. Who else, other than the God of all Gods to be the one who stands in Thor's way?
This is clever because it shows how smart Gorr was in kidnapping the children to make Thor, who possessed the key he needed to complete his goal come to him. He was able to manipulate and create conflict between the good and neutral forces, turning them against each other and effectively sets up more conflict later down the line... Thor basically stepped above his level and attempted to kill the main God. Now, Thor is hunted by non other than Hercules... Who in the comics is manipulated by Kang. And every piece of this plot is earned and has effective logic to it.
The thing is, you're not supposed to feel sympathetic towards the Gods. Did you really feel bad about the guy in the first scene? Gorr doesn't really earn his "evil card" until he kidnaps the children, it's there where he crosses the line and becomes irredeemable, earns his death. After the first scene, you're kind of rooting for him, until it comes down to our God(s), Thor...
Having him kill more Gods on screen would be a waste because you're supposed to be at least understanding to his cause, it's what makes him a tragic character... Can't really blame him for picking up the necrosword, but taking it any further than kidnapping children (which is taking it to the extreme, kidnapping a whole generation of asgardians...) Who of significance was he supposed to kill? His arc was perfect.
Going to omnipotence city was actually a brilliant way to introduce Zeus and Hercules, advance the story and foreshadow conflict and possibly the death of our Thor. [\spoiler]
I think the thing most people are complaining about is tone. This guy is REALLY good at having misjointed, disconnected tones and beats somehow fit together and create great film. It's like visual industrial music with a marvel wrapper. I loved it. Not my favorite marvel movie, but pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it. The only thing I can critique it on is really too many jokes. It was only just a tad bit too much, but overkill is also a style.