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Top Gun attraction?

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Dec 3, 2020
Just saw Top Gun Maverick in theaters and thought it was a very enjoyable film, apparently many others think so as well as it looks to be a box office hit. I know UC has worked with Paramount before, any shot we’ll might a Top Gun attraction in any of the parks? The franchise lends itself to an exciting attraction, only downside is that it would most likely have to be a simulator to be most accurate to the film, unless they want to take some creative liberties and make it a coaster. I think done well it could be a great addition.
It won't happen unless Comcast buys Paramount, but add this to the list of reasons they should.

Even then, it would still have to wait behind Spongebob and Star Trek, both of which would almost immediately be put on the table.
Unless Comcast merges with Viacom or buys Paramount, I don’t think Universal will consider any external IPs going forward (HP and Nintendo being the lone exceptions, with LOTR as a long-shot).
It's a great idea, but it has the same issues as a Fast & Furious attraction-- you can't have speed without the luxury of size to build it and budget. Since the Paramount Parks already did it as roller coasters, I'm not sure how you could do much more than that and make it "Orlando level" theming.
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The best Top Gun attraction already exists and it's called the fighter jet simulator at The Air and Space Museum in D.C.
It won't happen unless Comcast buys Paramount, but add this to the list of reasons they should.

Even then, it would still have to wait behind Spongebob and Star Trek, both of which would almost immediately be put on the table.

I don’t think that’s true at all. Paramount/Viacom remain very willing to license their properties, as they no longer have parks themselves. You mention SpongeBob… which is currently in the park, demonstrating the possibility of a partnership.

With that said, not sure there’s any real place for a Top Gun ride. The only two options would be 1) a high-intensity simulator or 2) a high-intensity rollercoaster. The park has too many of the former, and the old Paramount parks have already done the latter. Another coaster for Universal doesn’t seem imminent, and it also isn’t clear if the new movie’s tremendous success will lead to long-term cultural penetration. (Are any kids buying Top Gun toys?)
This could definitely be Uni's answer to Star Tours. Have a cabin where an AA Tom Cruise pilots our ship and when we start to get shot up, we can do the scream he does from that terrible Mummy movie he was in.

But in all seriousness, the only potential I could see from this IP as a ride would be a launch coaster of some sort. A simulator wouldn't be really doable in a jet fighter context. Paramount has already done a Top Gun themed coaster so I don't see Uni going out of their way to license an IP that's likely not going to sell a ton of merch. What a bummer considering how much I would love to hear Danger Zone on a thrill ride.
Oof, Maverick was such a retread and just absolutely reeked of basic 80s early 90s action movies I actually walked out for like 15 min and perfectly guessed the timing final cast and the "surprise" machina for the mission just based on three act structure. I really only fully enjoyed the beginning (and they didn't even bother to show what probaby would have been a stand out scene). Everything was just so basic from the enemy to the hard to get but not really love interest. The mission story is god dang star wars exhaust port, but OMG we have to do it twice.

It was the most "this is a movie" movie I've seen in a while. At least uncharted had some spectacle and knows exactly what it is. Just really the most "that was fine your boyfriend will like it" movie I've seen in some time.

Anyway, yea you already got your ride(s) based on it and I really don't think anything else is necessary.

Edit: How in the world did they not explore more in the movie? Why didn't they revisit the idea of unmanned vs piloted? I'm sure the US government sent them a check and the best they could do is "Fighter Jets are cool" and "Yea it's the usual totally cool and smart men, but there's a girl now" (that we won't really explore too much)? C'mon.
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Oof, Maverick was such a retread and just absolutely reeked of basic 80s early 90s action movies I actually walked out for like 15 min and perfectly guessed the timing final cast and the "surprise" machina for the mission just based on three act structure. I really only fully enjoyed the beginning (and they didn't even bother to show what probaby would have been a stand out scene). Everything was just so basic from the enemy to the hard to get but not really love interest. The mission story is god dang star wars exhaust port, but OMG we have to do it twice.

It was the most "this is a movie" movie I've seen in a while. At least uncharted had some spectacle and knows exactly what it is. Just really the most "that was fine your boyfriend will like it" movie I've seen in some time.

Anyway, yea you already got your ride(s) based on it and I really don't think anything else is necessary.

Edit: How in the world did they not explore more in the movie? Why didn't they revisit the idea of unmanned vs piloted? I'm sure the US government sent them a check and the best they could do is "Fighter Jets are cool" and "Yea it's the usual totally cool and smart men, but there's a girl now" (that we won't really explore too much)? C'mon.

Who hurt you?
Oof, Maverick was such a retread and just absolutely reeked of basic 80s early 90s action movies I actually walked out for like 15 min and perfectly guessed the timing final cast and the "surprise" machina for the mission just based on three act structure. I really only fully enjoyed the beginning (and they didn't even bother to show what probaby would have been a stand out scene). Everything was just so basic from the enemy to the hard to get but not really love interest. The mission story is god dang star wars exhaust port, but OMG we have to do it twice.

It was the most "this is a movie" movie I've seen in a while. At least uncharted had some spectacle and knows exactly what it is. Just really the most "that was fine your boyfriend will like it" movie I've seen in some time.

Anyway, yea you already got your ride(s) based on it and I really don't think anything else is necessary.

Edit: How in the world did they not explore more in the movie? Why didn't they revisit the idea of unmanned vs piloted? I'm sure the US government sent them a check and the best they could do is "Fighter Jets are cool" and "Yea it's the usual totally cool and smart men, but there's a girl now" (that we won't really explore too much)? C'mon.
All of the weaknesses you pointed out were strengths to me. Now more than ever, it was refreshing to kick back and watch a movie just being a movie with cool stunts, little CGI, earnest characters, and none of that annoying post-modern snark, grit, or cynicism you see in everything else these days.

As far as a ride, I think the climax of the movie would be an awesome roller coaster. Have a super fast launch, do some high-intensity/low-to-the-ground zig zags, a stall, a top hat, and done. Probably wouldn’t fit physically at UO, but I’d ride it at another park for sure.
Who hurt you?
Spiderman got me back in the theater, and I started to make a habit of using my day off to just go watch a few every couple weeks. Maverick was the primary movie that day, and I just felt absolutely nothing. Bummed me out. Guess I'm being harsh. It delivered on what it promised: kewl jets pew pew. That I enjoyed actually.

All of the weaknesses you pointed out were strengths to me. Now more than ever, it was refreshing to kick back and watch a movie just being a movie with cool stunts, little CGI, earnest characters, and none of that annoying post-modern snark, grit, or cynicism you see in everything else these days.

Agreed on the lack of CGI. I'm a ME doing basic stuff, so I actually really appreciate seeing those planes. That with the coaster fan idea gave me an even greater appreciation.

That said, they could have delivered more in the interim. I'm not going to belittle the basic popcorn movie idea too much, but I'm not always in the mood for that particularly if I had to leave the house.

Simpler times appeals don't work too well with me. Old enough to feel nostalgia, but maybe not the more reverent version you might feel and "an odie but a goodie" was a pretty big theme. Sure, movies are escapism. There's just so much else they could have done.

My favorite movie this year has been Everything Everywhere All at Once. Very different goals for each movie, but there's a reason I preferred it.
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A launched RMC raptor rail would be perfect for the concept. Hahahaha.
We all want more coasters in USF....well ok maybe just some of us...

If only Universal had a property with fast moving vehicles that would lend itself to such an experience
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