More questions that come to mind, viewing the videos...
Why has the mobility of the trike's beak been reduced? They used to be able to open and close their mouths - now it's stuck open. Loses a bit of realism here...
Why no more "touching" the trike? When I originally visited Islands in 2004 (much, much younger then) I was one of the few lucky children selected to touch Topper - the gate was moved in and we were allowed to gently stroke her beak. I thought it was the coolest thing! (Even though I knew it was an animatronic at that point - you got to touch the damn thing!)
And finally - why isn't the researcher inside the gates like (s)he used to be? You know, with the dino. Now he stands awkwardly outside the gate like a guest.
I'm thrilled the Trikes returned in any capacity - just curious why these changes were made.