What I'm most excited for/intrigued by:
FX Original Series:
Alien -- Yes, please. Hopefully they really let it be scary.
Shogun -- HUGE potential for a fascinating, "Prestige Television" story. The book's great.
Win or Lose -- FANTASTIC idea for any show, much less an animated one. If it has Pixar's trademark emotional resonance, could be incredible. Too bad we have to wait three years for it!
Lightyear -- A big animated sci-fi adventure? I'm in.
Luca -- CALL ME BY YOUR NAME: THE KIDS VERSION? Animation looks fantastic.
Star Wars:
Mando Season 3
The Acolyte -- Big-time interested in a show that might explore the SW galaxy from the Dark Side perspective.
Obi-Wan -- I still think having Vader and Obi-Wan meet pre-A NEW HOPE is kind of a cheap loophole, but I'll give it a pass.
Indy 5 -- Please be good. And please get made while John Williams is still around to score it.
Rogue Squadron -- VERY excited by this one. In a little intro video on her Twitter, Jenkins says she wants to make "the greatest fighter pilot movie ever made."
Wandavision/F&WS/Loki -- The footage speaks for itself. All look terrific.
Hawkeye -- Renner and Steinfeld should be fun together.
Thor Love and Thunder -- Bale as Gorr should be incredible casting.
Blade -- I hope Disney lets Marvel push the horror content a bit with this one.
Moon Knight
Secret Invasion -- Samuel L. Jackson and Ben Mendelsohn in "buddy cop"-type situations, hopefully?
Armor Wars -- Nice to see Cheadle get to headline something.
Fantastic Four -- Give us the Victor Von Doom we deserve!