I'm a Brit. Don't we talk endlessly about the weather?
Before I write anything else, I just wanted to say that I am 100% supporting this plan. I think they have an incredible amount worked out or in progress, and I would be pretty sad to say the least if Universal pull out.
So I’m looking (in my own lovely way) at the next level of detail for this to successfully happen In advance as part of an enthusiasts forum.
It’s windy, like ALL the time. Just enough to slam your gate. Just enough to lower your your bbq temp by 20°. Just enough that when it’s not windy, you say “wow what a lovely day”… or when you notice it’s calm, even when it's raining, and even when it’s raining hard and your grass grows an inch by the next day.
I’m pretty sure the wind turbine at the Millennium Park is there because it’s windy,
However, Universal’s land has a sort of Berm. Opposite Broadmead Road is quite a big hill, meaning the Universal land is either protected or exposed to the winds that roll over Bedfords’s low lying (apparently) and landlocked geography.
Should Universal build a massive open expanse with the dream of previous Orlando resorts working here then I do fear they will be left with a wind swept plaza full of Instagrammers holding their hair pretending life is awesome more than they do now.
It’s 100% possible in my view to plan for the land. I just don’t know if they know this, so thought I’d raise it with enthusiasts, but not to prove me wrong (who needs that?), but to educate me on how small edge case challenges like this could be overcome.
Here we are buddy .