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Universal Great Britain

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Another media outlet, this time LadBible which is aimed more at a youth audience, has picked up on Page Thompson's "one of the greatest theme parks in the world" line. Probably just picked this up from the Financial Times interview so perhaps not of particular interest, but what I did think was noteworthy was a rhetorical point they added to the reheated FT piece about what to expect in the new theme park:
Sorry folks, but this early into the process the company is keeping shtum about what exactly you'd be getting, though you surely would expect it to have something Harry Potter themed wouldn't you?
I think this provides an answer to the question posed earlier in this thread about whether potential visitors to UGB will already associate Universal with a Harry Potter land, and expect and look forward to that being part of their experience when they visit.
Latest video from @ProjectUniversalUK seems they're doing a few borehole drillings.

I am pondering if this is something to do with EWR (East West Rail) who are intending to bridge the railway at this point and the bore hole being drilled is where the bridge may go. Time will tell, if they continue to focus on this area then EWR, but if they go further around the plot then Universal.
I am pondering if this is something to do with EWR (East West Rail) who are intending to bridge the railway at this point and the bore hole being drilled is where the bridge may go. Time will tell, if they continue to focus on this area then EWR, but if they go further around the plot then Universal.

There's boreholes in multiple spots, it's not confined to that single corner. So I doubt this is a EWR bridge type deal.

No new info here, but Mohammad Yasin, the Bedford MP is using the prospect of Universal investing as a vote-getting point. Also wants to scrap business rates, which would further incentivise Universal.
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There's boreholes in multiple spots, it's not confined to that single corner. So I doubt this is a EWR bridge type deal.
Time will tell. All the older boreholes are for measuring pollution in the ground water from the nearby old landfill sites, I am just looking at any new ones Murphy are doing.
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There's boreholes in multiple spots, it's not confined to that single corner. So I doubt this is a EWR bridge type deal.

No new info here, but Mohammad Yasin, the Bedford MP is using the prospect of Universal investing as a vote-getting point. Also wants to scrap business rates, which would further incentivise Universal.

I don’t think business rate should be scrapped completely but there’s an argument for scrapping them for failing high streets.

Also changing the method on how they’re calculated. Right now they’re calculated on the rateable value of a property etc. they should arguably be a percentage of how much a business makes. The more the you make the more you pay, and vice versa.

That’d encourage growth and redevelopment. Anyway way off topic!
Time will tell. All the older boreholes are for measuring pollution in the ground water from the nearby old landfill sites, I am just looking at any new ones Murphy are doing.
Out today and went past Manor Road and Broadmead Road. Bore hole machine still in same corner in Manor Road near the level crossing, but another one is drilling in the field where Universal have the option to buy and where the link road from the A428 is planned. So, who knows what is going on. However, both locations are those of potential road improvements so maybe that is the link.
… another one is drilling in the field where Universal have the option to buy and where the link road from the A428 is planned.
I’ve never been clear about which plot of land Universal has an option to purchase, to add to their existing holdings. Is there a map or a graphic which shows where this land is?
I’ve never been clear about which plot of land Universal has an option to purchase, to add to their existing holdings. Is there a map or a graphic which shows where this land is?
The land where the slip road/transport hub/train station will sit.
The land where the slip road/transport hub/train station will sit.
They call that the Western Gateway Zone, and they’ve already purchased it (it was part of the land they acquired when the purchased Cloud Wing Ltd). You can see it on page 3 and page 7 of the information pack they published back in April. There is another plot, I think to the south of the land they’ve already purchased and perhaps not directly connected to it, but I’ve never been sure where exactly it is.
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They call that the Western Gateway Zone, and they’ve already purchased it (it was part of the land they acquired when the purchased Cloud Wing Ltd). You can see it on page 3 and page 7 of the information pack they published back in April. There is another plot, I think to the south of the land they’ve already purchased and perhaps not directly connected to it, but I’ve never been sure where exactly it is.
The information pack states 'The extent of our project is shown in red and is approximately 700 acres in size. It includes the approximately 476 acres purchased last year, along with a smaller parcel of land to the southwest, which we have an option to acquire. This parcel of land would allow a direct link between our site and the A421, as well as other local transport routes that could be improved through this project.'

That confirms that the land they have an option to acquire is the Western Gateway Zone and isn't already owned by them.
The information pack states 'The extent of our project is shown in red and is approximately 700 acres in size. It includes the approximately 476 acres purchased last year, along with a smaller parcel of land to the southwest, which we have an option to acquire. This parcel of land would allow a direct link between our site and the A421, as well as other local transport routes that could be improved through this project.'

That confirms that the land they have an option to acquire is the Western Gateway Zone and isn't already owned by them.
Thanks. Wonder why they’ve not already purchased that land, which seems rather key to all that they want to do, at least from a transport infrastructure point of view?
Watch tonight's video. All will become clear. 6pm sharp UK time.
Good work on the level crossing info. Wonder how long it will take to build a bridge? I guess Manor Road will be closed to through traffic until the bridge is completed?

Spotted this from East West Rail project which ties in exactly with what you've described:

Or this option which takes the new bridge in a slightly different location:

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I think this work to replace the level crossing with a road bridge at Manor Road has been planned for at least four or five years, and therefore is unrelated to Universal's interest in that area. The new bridge is a a part of the East West Rail development, and that specific infrastructure work was approved by parliament in The Network Rail (East West Rail) (Bicester to Bedford Improvements) Order 2020 (which is a piece of secondary legislation known as a Statutory Instrument). The new bridge work is identified in Schedule 1 of the SI as Work No.38:
Work No.38 – Realignment of Manor Road (including a bridge over the existing railway - Bletchley to Bedford line), commencing at a point 11 metres south-west of the Eastwood Cottage building and terminating at a point 550 metres north-west of its commencement and 478 metres south-east of the junction of Woburn Road with Manor Road.
The drawings highlighted in my previous post show the options for Work No.38.

I think it's a good thing that this work seems to start this autumn, as no doubt the volume of traffic along Manor Road will increase significantly if Universal build a resort either side of the road. But I don't think that the planned bridge to replace the level crossing is actually directly connected to Universal's interest in that locality.
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Posting @ProjectUniversalUK 's video just for people to get easy access to it.

Rob, I think a key point might be that the change in the timeline is probably because Network Rail went with the option that would best suit Universal (that top option you posted). Thus the start-date changed from Nov to Jan and the new 'option' hasn't been approved yet. But i agree that the actual plans for a bridge precede Universal, but hard to argue against them adjusting the designs to suit Universal.
There is something odd here. In 2023 EWR published a route update report in which they changed their mind and said they might not build a bridge here and would upgrade the level crossing instead. If they are progressing with a bridge then something is going on behind the scenes and would almost certainly be Universal related, especially as nothing seems to be happening at any of the other crossings in Marston Vale. No other obvious work has commenced on the MK to Bedford part of the project, so the only reason for steaming ahead on this part is for the benefit of Universal. It is going to be very interesting to see how this develops. Clearly, a bridge is a lot more expensive to build than a crossing upgrade would be.

http://www.eastwestrail.co.uk/routeupdatereport see page 77


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There is something odd here. In 2023 EWR published a route update report in which they changed their mind and said they might not build a bridge here and would upgrade the level crossing instead. If they are progressing with a bridge then something is going on behind the scenes and would almost certainly be Universal related,
Not sure that I'd describe it as odd or that decisions are being taken behind the scenes. Seems to me that the facts have changed (ie, much more traffic is likely along Manor Road than previously assessed) so EWR/National Rail have responded accordingly. Seems sensible to me, and what you'd hope would happen. Encouraging for us who hope that Universal's decision will be to go ahead, as it seems likely that the rail infrastructure bodies are taking (expensive) decisions which take in to account a major development around that part of Bedford which they need to respond to.
The information pack states 'The extent of our project is shown in red and is approximately 700 acres in size. It includes the approximately 476 acres purchased last year, along with a smaller parcel of land to the southwest, which we have an option to acquire. This parcel of land would allow a direct link between our site and the A421, as well as other local transport routes that could be improved through this project.'

That confirms that the land they have an option to acquire is the Western Gateway Zone and isn't already owned by them.
Having watched @ProjectUniversalUK latest very excellent video I was struck by how much work has gone on in the field that will be the Western Gateway Zone, essentially the same as the Core Zone and the Lake Zone. Extensive archeological trenches across the entire field and now boreholes being drilled in at least a couple of locations, all in a field which is actively being farmed. This struck me as a bit odd if Universal haven't bought this land, only have a future option on it. Undoubtedly that field will have to be developed with a major slip road from the A421 otherwise the road infrastructure around the theme park will be utterly inadequate, plus whatever else is required in terms of a new railway station, transport hub, etc; and whatever Universal might have in mind for their Phase 2 developments. I don't understand how that work is being undertaken if Universal don't already own it, and why Universal would risk not having control of that land given how critical it is to the entire project.
Having watched @ProjectUniversalUK latest very excellent video I was struck by how much work has gone on in the field that will be the Western Gateway Zone, essentially the same as the Core Zone and the Lake Zone. Extensive archeological trenches across the entire field and now boreholes being drilled in at least a couple of locations, all in a field which is actively being farmed. This struck me as a bit odd if Universal haven't bought this land, only have a future option on it. Undoubtedly that field will have to be developed with a major slip road from the A421 otherwise the road infrastructure around the theme park will be utterly inadequate, plus whatever else is required in terms of a new railway station, transport hub, etc; and whatever Universal might have in mind for their Phase 2 developments. I don't understand how that work is being undertaken if Universal don't already own it, and why Universal would risk not having control of that land given how critical it is to the entire project.

They could very well own or are in the process of purchasing it. I too found it weird that so much had been done on that parcel of land if Universal didn't already own it.