My gut tells me that they're going to eventually build another luxury-tier resort that includes Express and remove Express from Royal Pacific at that time. They already categorize it the same as Sapphire Falls, so I can't imagine that they don't want to keep the benefits the same for both resorts. I think they would much rather market the Express benefit to families rather than convention groups. Convention guests may or may not buy park tickets while they're here, and if they do it's probably only typically for a day, and you've only got one or two guests per room, then, whereas at the non-convention-oriented resorts you're going to have more rooms with an average of four or five people mostly buying three or four day tickets. Plus, there are 1,000 rooms at Royal Pacific, but only 750 at Portofino Bay and 650 at Hard Rock, so they could build another couple of luxury resorts with 500-750 rooms each (probably down at Site B), remove Express from Royal Pacific, and you wouldn't be adding that much more strain on the Express system. And maybe the addition of the Site B park would actually ease things a little with 2400-2900 resort Express guests spread out across two parks instead of three. As for the potential customer service issue with removing Express from Royal Pacific, I really don't think they care about that, especially if they adjusted the rates accordingly.