Probably a good time to again bring up these comments from Jay Stein's interview in Gennaways recent book "Jay Bangs"...concerning night time shows, Jay proposed a Miami Vice action spectacular..."Jay would be able to avoid the noise problems he had to deal with regularly in Los Angeles. He (Jay) suggested that by making noise today, it would prevent future residents moving into the area from having the right to complain"......."The USF planners were worried that noise from fireworks could create issues with neighbors. Swann got a call from Tony Sauber, who had been in the class behind Swann at Duke Law School.Swann considered him a very smart guy, and they worked together in revising the city's (Orlando) noise ordinance. While most of the ordinance provisions were relatively standard, they accomplished having the noise level measured at the point of receipt, not emanation (which had been the customary standard). USF planners were triumphant with the new ordinance. It was especially useful when Islands of Adventure opened because, unlike USF, it had big , noise making rides close to a school". ....Those Universal guys are pretty smart. :thumbsup: