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USF Project?

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So we have possibly three attractions for 2019 (MoM, FF, Bourne {I honestly have doubts of Bond there}) and SNW in 2020 (MK, Yoshi, and DK) along with possibly SLoP by then. Not even talking SNW 1.25, you will have 7 new attractions open.


Without really knowing, this is what we're looking at date-wise (IMO):

-2018 = F&F and VB Expansion
-2019 = Forbidden Forest, T2 Stunt Show Replacement
-2020 = MOM and SLOP
-2021 = Nintendo

So, JS had it right, the question now is what could I M of M possibly be for an attraction.? Will the great statue be the golden wizard and elf or the crushing Muggles? Which direction will they go? Will we arrive via a fireplace or through a toilet or through a telephone booth as a guest?

The only real ride that I can think of would be the elevators. Anything else might seem a stretch. But of course it is theme park.

IMO it'll be the Ministry pre-Voldemort's takeover, so the golden statues. In my dreams MoM is a trackless dark ride where you tour the Ministry. I could see the elevators being a part of that though.

Oh, can someone explain to me what this this Ministry of Magic rumor is about? All I know is that it's supposed to replace Fear Factor. Is it a ride, a show, what? This is the first time I've heard about this.

I'm not sure anyone knows for sure, but I'd be amazed if it wasn't a ride.
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Oh, can someone explain to me what this this Ministry of Magic rumor is about? All I know is that it's supposed to replace Fear Factor. Is it a ride, a show, what? This is the first time I've heard about this.
One of the rumors was a shooter-type attraction that involved shooting spells in the MoM. I'm not sure if that's the same plan...
Rip Tear Kill

Still wondering what Ministry's ride system will be though
So, JS had it right, the question now is what could M of M possibly be for an attraction.? Will the great statue be the golden wizard and elf or the crushing Muggles? Which direction will they go? Will we arrive via a fireplace or through a toilet or through a telephone booth as a guest?

The only real ride that I can think of would be the elevators. Anything else might seem a stretch. But of course it is theme park.

I think it has to be elevator based. A dark ride through through the hall of mysteries, and the various rooms might be ok, but seems like it would be too similar to Gringotts and somewhat like MIB. There also may not be enough room to do it right.

Another benefit to an elevator type ride would be that they can go more vertical with the building. Thats not the biggest lot in the world.

Bond in MIB for the full London look then.

Like someone pointed out somewhere in the past, a Bond shooter ride would have you shooting people. Probably not the best idea with the amount of real shootings that occur any more.

I'll be amazed if they can get MOM up and running by 2019...but stranger things have happened

Tear down should be easy at least.

IMO, D23 woke them up. Not that Uni was coasting necessarily, but they were definitely lean on pre-Nintendo additions. Seems like they turned up the heat.

I think that survey that went out right after D23 probably gave them a jolt as well. Probably found that peoples future vacation plans were going to be Disney based.
I hope that MoM is a tower of terror type ride system so that UO can have a GOOD drop ride. This can even somewhat replace Doctor Doom so that it can be replaced by the long rumored Avengers dark ride.

I think MoM if they do the elevator should be the elements of surprise as it can move sideways, forward and backwards as well as up and down. If Uni doesn't use all those in surprising elements....
Initial reports of a MoM attraction back before Diagon even grand opened were that it would be an immersive walk-through experience with some interactive elements. Something across between Poseidon's Fury and Ollivanders.

That was a long time ago though, so the walking tour idea may very well become a ride-through tour as we're getting closer to actual construction.
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Yep, true. :)...and with Yoshii, Universal fills their decade quota of non-something goes wrong attractions. :lol:
I would argue Fallon for this decade in particular, as it's really just one giant skit.
Just spitballing announcement timelines:

-T2 has to have its closure announced the next few weeks
- I'm guessing Shrek's closure gets announced post HHN
-Also post HHN FFL and KidZone demolition will start
-MoM and FF details announced at Potter Celebration

That should be a good enough timeline, give our take.
That should be a good enough timeline, give our take.

It's a big guess, since we all know Universal and their announcement phobias. But considering they're going to be closing KidZone (5 attractions), Shrek, FFL, and T2 for a grand total of 8 closed attractions, I feel like they'd really be tempting fate by playing coy about their replacements.
Initial reports of a MoM attraction back before Diagon even grand opened were that it would be an immersive walk-through experience with some interactive elements. Something across between Poseidon's Fury and Ollivanders.

That was a long time ago though, so the walking tour idea may very well become a ride-through tour as we're getting closer to actual construction.
That would be really cool. Considering the lack of love that Poseidon's Fury gets, I feel like Universal doesn't want to throw more money at walk-through attractions sadly.

I'm just hoping for a radically different ride system this time around. Gringotts and Forbidden Journey feel too similar to me.
Oh I know. And I feel like Mario Kart won't have that wrinkle either. But I'd love for Ministry to be an atmospheric journey rather than a thrill ride
I 100% agree. I hope MoM is anything BUT a "everything goes terribly wrong" thrill ride. Harry Potter already has two of those, possibly three depending on how FF turns up. MoM following that trope would be pure overkill. My vote is for an atmospheric trackless ride through the depths of the Ministry, something almost like Mystic Manor. If it is interactive, I feel like it should be interactive in a similar sense to Tokyo Disneyland's Monsters Inc attraction, where it's using spells to affect the environment rather than fight bad guys. However, I wouldn't be opposed to a large-scale show or a Poseidon's Fury-esque experience either. Universal really needs better shows and this would be a nice step toward that.
It's a big guess, since we all know Universal and their announcement phobias. But considering they're going to be closing KidZone (5 attractions), Shrek, FFL, and T2 for a grand total of 8 closed attractions, I feel like they'd really be tempting fate by playing coy about their replacements.
Especially because, at least in the case of Shrek, it's right up at the front of the park and the giant construction site will be the first thing most people see. They at LEAST better put up some walls that have Secret Life of Pets characters on them to distract from the mess.
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