And then people rip on things like the Oogie Boogie show, which, while it wasn't Bill & Ted, it was definitely pushing the boundaries of what we've grown to expect from Disney. It could definitely be better and has room to grow, but for people to rip on it because it isn't "edgy enough" or it's "one of the oddest things they've seen in a Disney park" is ludicrous.
This is the one time Disney does something that finally isn't aimed at children and they should be applauded. The show wasn't perfect, but it has room to grow. If (in the unlikely situation) the event ever became 16+, this could truly be great. People ripping something that was truly different from what Disney normally does only tells Disney that the market isn't big enough for them to expand upon this potential opportunity.
Why should they break out of their Disney-fied box if they just get blasted for it when they do?