Wizarding World - Diagon Alley Discussion - Part 2 | Page 212 | Inside Universal Forums

Wizarding World - Diagon Alley Discussion - Part 2

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^ Mercy, those park trees aren't looking too good. I swear they must have hauled them in from Georgia or at least a nursery far north of CF. Highly deciduous trees leafed a month ago in CF.

Those appear to be KSH guys doing the work still...

And where are the friggin' lampposts? I think they are toying with my fragile emotions. One thing is for sure, they are playing a game of mad dash and catch-up right now. (although all the workers look like state hway employees just standing around doing nothing)

- - - Updated - - -

Can anyone here confirm that the cancellation of Friday's event doesn't mean the opening date (June 18th) is changing...? Also, if it hasn't changed, when will they possibly do the announcement?

The Today Show is a "show". Perhaps they didn't get London purdy enough yet. I have not received any emails from my assets regarding a change in the program... therefore, at this moment, there is no change.
I would imagine that the Today show canceling is more along the lines of what Teebin mentioned. I don't think they were ready for cameras in certain areas they planned to show off to the world. I can't imagine an opening date being pushed back quite yet when you have 7-8 weeks left as well.
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Over-the-wall video posted yesterday.

Fantastic footage. Thanks for posting the link!

It has been a while since I've seen an updated blueprint of DA. Could someone remind me which doors are functioning entrances/exits to DA and which are not? There seem to be two exits/alternate entrances through Wyndhams, a large, sectioned opening in the Leicester Square Tube Station (which leads to the magic moving brick wall entrance to DA, I believe), a door leading into Screed & Sons, a smaller door between S&S and King's Cross, and then the doors into King's Cross itself.

1. Can guests enter the Leaky Cauldron & eventually DA through either the Screed & Sons door or the small one to the left of it?
2. Is there only 1 door connecting LC & DA - the one shown here, or is there another one before you pass through the brick wall? It seems odd to enter DA from Leicester Square.
3. Are there any exits from Knockturn Alley, Magical Menagerie, or the street running in front of MM & Gringotts (Horizont Alley?) that let guests out behind King's Cross, or are the London Waterfront entrances & exits the only way in and out of the WWOHP-DA?

Edit: The "hole" in the brick wall is not supposed to be where the Death Eaters busted through the wall when they kidnapped Ollivander, is it? Isn't the hole simply supposed to suggest the brick wall behind the LC, which magically opens to reveal DA, as seen here?
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This page lists Wands by Gregorovitch as an actual shop. I don't think that's something I'd heard before.


Also, this page confirms what was said about Florean Fortescue's serving breakfast items in the morning.


I was just going to point that out. Seems really strange. I mean what would they sell there thats not in Ollivanders? Maybe new types of wands or the new RFID equiped ones?? Does anyone have info about this?
I was just going to point that out. Seems really strange. I mean what would they sell there thats not in Ollivanders? Maybe new types of wands or the new RFID equiped ones?? Does anyone have info about this?

If it's true, then what I'd assume it means is double capacity. Two wand shops = more money and more people can get into different wand shops at the same time. And I don't think Ollivanders would be the one to lose out on RFID wands, because it's supposed to be the best shop. Perhaps it will be like the Owl Post in Hogsmeade - guests go into Ollivanders to watch the show but they can purchase wands in another wand shop...

They equipped Ollivanders with three rooms as far as I'm aware. Capacity should be much better, although the summer crowds will be a nightmare on the store regardless. Maybe it is for capacity, or maybe it'll just be an extra store... :shrug:
While it probably means nothing, Al Roker left the Today Show early this morning for "a special assignment"

Aka he will be report live from 'jolly old London'.... Ik beginning to this this was all just a way of generating discussion and getting free publicity.
Just like Universal when a attraction is about to soft open...
5 minutes later
"oh look, we're opening Hogsmead today."
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To their defense, they probably don't want a huge rush of people at all once. I mean do you think they want a similar opening day like Phase 1 had? I would think if anything, they would want to suddenly open it, so then more people talk about it/have interest in it.
I mean do you think they want a similar opening day like Phase 1 had?

Absolutely. Those pictures are worth their weight in gold.

"Can you believe how good this is!? look at how far people are willing to go to see it!"

You don't quietly open an expansion like this. You make damn sure everyone knows when it's open and when they can come see it. :lol:
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