PLEASE READ - Forum Etiquette | Inside Universal Forums

PLEASE READ - Forum Etiquette

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Brian G.

Jan 21, 2008
Orlando, FL
We should consider this an amendment to our Guidelines since things have been getting a little too hectic lately.

1. This is not a chat board; this is a discussion board. There have been threads lately that blow up because members are having a 2 to 4-way conversation, and sometimes going wayyyyyyyyyyy off-topic. If you want to have a conversation, take it to Private Messaging or other avenues. If you want to have a discussion, leave it on the boards.

2. Opinions are always welcome, and everyone knows we encourage everyone to share their point of view. Lately, some people have been taking it too personally when they disagree with someone. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, as long as it has some basis involved is all we ask. Some need to learn to "Agree to Disagree".

I know some have got the blood boiling so if you please want to get something off your chest, please share your thoughts here; or if you feel it's a little too much vinegar to post, PM me and I will look into it.

The Staff and I are going to be cracking down on users from now on who abuse the posting abilities. We always encourage everyone to share their thoughts and don't think of this as we don't want to hear from you, however we can't neglect those who have felt neglected due to recent events on the forum either.

Also.....when posting a new thread, please pay attention to where you are posting it. If it's Trip Planning, don't post it in Misc. Universal. If it's about a Movie, don't post it in Islands of Adventure. The Staff is plenty busy as it is, we don't need more work added. I understand some may blur the line of where the correct thread belongs, but some are pretty cut and dry.

Hope you guys understand.

Take Care.
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I think this makes sense and it's totally fair and understandable.

If I may, I would also like to add that we should all be mindful, and try not to stray too much off topic. I am definitely guilty of this every once in a while, especially when all the discussion about X-ride is happening in the thread about Y-ride, for pages and pages, and it's hard not to want to get into it too... but it just ends up being very annoying when reading through the thread that was supposed to be for Y-ride. You know what I mean?

PS: Disneyhead... :lol:
Thanks for addressing this :thumbs: I feel things got wayyyyyyyyy out of hand in the Transformers thread. It went from the exterior to HRRR (and other things I'm sure), and it got really annoying.

I like this forum because it is much friendlier than others I have visited. There are new members showing up so we should try and keep it that way.

I have added before to the problem of straying of topic :blah: I will do my bit by ensuring I get :focus: rather than straying.

Thanks for a keeping the forum a happy place to be :peace:
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Thanks for that BriMan. One of the reasons OU is my favorite site to visit is because of the civilized nature of the discussions, even when others disagree. There is very little name calling. No one ever acts as if they are holier than thou, unlike on other areas of the community. But it does seem recently that some people cannot let things go lately.

Let's not make this like other sites, which are no longer fun to read. Bri and staff do a great job here, let's make that job a little easier for them.
Thanks for posting, as others have said most members here are civil and friendly lately I have noticed a couple who seem to jump to the defense of everything for a company...all that aside I like this better then other forums where people can be so convoluted it hurts to read....great read for comedy though
Great that BriMan keeps this site's discussions on track and civil. Some of the other theme park internet sites let a few obnoxious & arrogant posters run amuck with their continual personal attacks and twisting of facts and quotes out of context. OU topics, discussions and posters seem to be much more organized, knowledgable and "friendly". Thanks for keeping the standard elevated.
Thanks for addressing this :thumbs: I feel things got wayyyyyyyyy out of hand in the Transformers thread. It went from the exterior to HRRR (and other things I'm sure), and it got really annoying.

Weren't you involved in all of those detours?
I feel like people confuse dissecting the parks with "negativity". OU hasn't been a place where things are taken at face value. Members will examine every aspect of a park or project with a fine tooth comb. I think that's what's attracted some of the more informed and rational discussions about the parks to go on here. Obviously, that rubs some people the wrong way. But if people didn't have a passion for the parks. If they didn't truly care about them, they wouldn't dive into such detail in the first place. Just because something doesn't come off as the most positive outlook on things, doesn't make it any less relevant or credible. It's when certain outlooks and opinions get repressed that things start to go wrong. Sometimes you just need to let a discussion play itself out rather than going on about why you don't like that it's going on or that person X doesn't appreciate or understand what's going on.
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I feel like people confuse dissecting the parks with "negativity". OU hasn't been a place where things are taken at face value. Members will examine every aspect of a park or project with a fine tooth comb. I think that's what's attracted some of the more informed and rational discussions about the parks to go on here. Obviously, that rubs some people the wrong way. But if people didn't have a passion for the parks. If they didn't truly care about them, they wouldn't dive into such detail in the first place. Just because something doesn't come off as the most positive outlook on things, doesn't make it any less relevant or credible. It's when certain outlooks and opinions get repressed that things start to go wrong. Sometimes you just need to let a discussion play itself out rather than going on about why you don't like that it's going on or that person X doesn't appreciate or understand what's going on.

Would you have rather liked to pm me about this subject?

im not claiming im who youre speaking of generally but since the last comment of mine on TF was regarding this I have a hunch.
Would you have rather liked to pm me about this subject?

im not claiming im who youre speaking of generally but since the last comment of mine on TF was regarding this I have a hunch.

It has literally nothing to do with you. At all. It's just a generally feeling I've gotten from a lot of the newer members, which you are not one of. I don't think people don't fully understand what makes it different here. You've been around enough to understand.
Respect your forum elders :look:

Respect in general seems to be a diminishing resource around here lately. Respect the fact that other people read what you post on here. Make it something somebody else would actually want to read. Try your best to contribute to a discussion. Along the same lines, respect the thread you're posting in. Try and stick to the topic at hand. If an interesting tangent crops up, it doesn't have to end. Simply move it to the appropriate thread. When you post a reply to a photo update, you don't always have to include the entire photo update in your quote. That way, you're not scrolling through the same pictures multiple times on a page. And last but not least, respect your fellow members. This place is nothing if it's not a community where everyone feels like their voice is heard.
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