Double Posting and +Quote Feature | Inside Universal Forums

Double Posting and +Quote Feature

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Feb 15, 2012
IU is welcoming many new users and we have seen an influx in posting. As a reminder to all new users (and a refresher for old hats) re-read our Guidelines and Forum Etiquette threads.

One issue I have seen pop up again is double (or multiple times) posting. Double posting is defined as posting back to back in the same thread in a short amount of time. This causes threads to quickly swell in size, threads turn into something more akin to a blog or Twitter, and it becomes hard for users to follow the thread.

One of the causes of double posting is responding to more than one quote in a discussion. The forum software has a solution for this called "+Quote". On each post there is a link on the bottom right of titled "+Quote":


Click that link to add the quote to a virtual queue of quotes.

Once you are done reading the thread and collecting posts to quote in response to then scroll to the bottom of the page to the Quick Reply field:


Here press the button in the bottom left "Insert Quotes..." and a pop up will appear:


Review the quotes you want to respond to (you can remove them) then press "Quote This Message" in the bottom right of the pop up. The quotes will be added to the response field and you can respond back like normal.

Please use the +Quote feature as it saves moderator's time in merging posts.

If you have any questions please post in here or PM an admin or moderator.
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No but there’s a work around. Quote the post like normal, select all the text, then cut the text. Go to the post you want to edit, click edit, then paste the quote into the post.
Man this forum is janky
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Man this forum is janky


Yeah, i had to look it up:

Janky: adjective used to describe a person, place or thing which is questionable, wrong, strange, broken down, undesirable, and/or just some thing you can't think of another word for. The origin of this work is explained somewhat in the conversation example. Friends and I were sitting around drinking coffee one morning, and I was bitching about my empty cup when my friend blamed the lack of coffee on the "janky ass coffee maker." I have since heard the word in the movie Friday.
Other forms: janked, janked up, janked out,
I was dancing with my friends and some janky old mutherfucker came up to me and started grabbin' my ass!

Michelle: yo, when's that coffee going to be ready?

Crystal: I don't know. This janky ass coffee maker takes forever.

He was a weirdo and made me feel all janked out, so I left.

I didn't get into Harvard. I don't know what I'm going to do now - it's totally janked up.

:lol: :bow::lol: :lol: :lol:
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I definitely knew Janky. Love that word. Have never heard “janked out” or “janked up” though.

And if you want a janky forum, look no further than theme park review. All he’s missing is a flash into and some nice braveheart midi background music.
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Yeah, i had to look it up:

Janky: adjective used to describe a person, place or thing which is questionable, fucked up, wrong, strange, broken down, undesirable, and/or just some thing you can't think of another word for. The origin of this work is explained somewhat in the conversation example. Friends and I were sitting around drinking coffee one morning, and I was bitching about my empty cup when my friend blamed the lack of coffee on the "janky ass coffee maker." I have since heard the word in the movie Friday.
Other forms: janked, janked up, janked out,
I was dancing with my friends and some janky old mutherfucker came up to me and started grabbin' my ass!

Michelle: yo, when's that coffee going to be ready?

Crystal: I don't know. This janky ass coffee maker takes forever.

He was a weirdo and made me feel all janked out, so I left.

I didn't get into Harvard. I don't know what I'm going to do now - it's totally janked up.

:lol: :bow::lol: :lol: :lol:
We're going to have to take this to the extreme since ya'll keep doing it. We've been asking to please abide by the guidelines of double posting several times now (and in some cases, triple/quad posting) and it seems like ya'll don't care. If this is how it's gonna be, we're going to have to start throwing out warnings.

If you don't know how to use the mutli-quote feature or the edit feature, let a mod know, or ask in the comment/feedback section. We'll be glad to help.
After numerous warnings, we keep seeing double posting over and over again. We hate doing this but we're going to have to now give out official infractions.
We've already had to hand out warnings and bans to some users - but this is still an issue with others...

We're going to have to start enforcing a zero-tolerance policy soon to all users, new and old.
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We've already had to hand out warnings and bans to some users - but this is still an issue with others...

We're going to have to start enforcing a zero-tolerance policy soon to all users, new and old.

Just a suggestion, Brian, but I don't think many will see this warning. Not sure if this site has the capability, but perhaps placing a permanent banner at the top of every page would help get the message across. Maybe right next to or below the IU Forums banner.
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Honestly, I never knew that was the definition of double posting. I always thought it meant you did the same post twice (usually accidentally by hitting the "Post reply" button twice in a row). It never entered my mind that posting back to back with different content is also double posting.

I don't think I've done it, but if I have, now that I'm aware, I'll be more careful about it. I will say that if I have, it's because I had trouble doing multiple quotes in a post. I've now seen the first post in this thread, so hopefully I won't have that issue anymore.
Honestly, I never knew that was the definition of double posting. I always thought it meant you did the same post twice (usually accidentally by hitting the "Post reply" button twice in a row). It never entered my mind that posting back to back with different content is also double posting.

I don't think I've done it, but if I have, now that I'm aware, I'll be more careful about it. I will say that if I have, it's because I had trouble doing multiple quotes in a post. I've now seen the first post in this thread, so hopefully I won't have that issue anymore.

In general most are ok and don’t. Mistakes are sometimes made (including by the admin and mods). The problem comes from habitual double and triple posting.