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A Quiet Place (HHN 33)

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@HHN Maddux I saw that comment, but wasn't sure if they'd keep the other space in that SS empty and utilize space elsewhere for the house that WOULD have gone there.
I don’t care for these movies and I’m not excited for this; HOWEVER, I am hoping to be proven wrong and pleasantly surprised. How the heck are they going to do this tho? Will we all have to be silent? Will our screams cue a trigger? I’m so curious. This shall be interesting.
When it comes to this one, it's intriguing.

Personally, I don't care for the IP itself. The films are fine, but I'm a creature person and the Death Angels admittedly do nothing for me. Personal preference and all that, so on that angle it's not something I clamor to see a house of.

That said, it's very intriguing that HHN would tackle this IP as the core concept of the IP seemingly goes against everything about a haunted house. That in itself is a huge creative swing, it's a risk. And I respect them for that! If you're not taking risks, what's the point of being a creative in anything?

It'll be very interesting to see how this is pulled off, and if they expect the audience to play along with it. I'm perfectly willing to go along with it to see how it is, but I can also imagine there'll be folks both sober and drunk where it may not work at all.

This house is no doubt thee wildcard this year, it could be the Smugglers Run/Terror Mines of houses where your enjoyment of the house could heavily depend on who you're with in line.