Yes, they do breed them still. I am not sure how I feel about this to be honest. But it is no different than zoos and other places doing the same thing. I think that is my issue here, they concentrated on Sea World because it is the largest known name. But this is an issue throughout our whole country with all animal exhibits. And I guess the question is, do we do more good by having captive animals or more harm. So having captive rescues is a good thing, the research we do is a good thing, the education to people is a good thing. But obviously putting animals in an enclosure is not the best. Which is why I said over time we have found better ways to make them feel more in the wild or more at home. I think the marine life has been the hardest and now Sea World is finally taking advantage of technology to make their habitat better. I am really on the fence with a lot of this stuff. You almost can make the same cases for dogs, cats, rabbits, and any pet we keep in the home. Is it a good thing cats and dogs started to be raised in the home or should they have stayed in the wild? I would say they are happy, but if that was the case they probably would never run away from their home, which many do. It is such a grey area and I won't condemn one place or stop going to one place because of this grey area. I also think we can do more and make things better, which I am glad Sea World is doing. But I don't think there is a perfect solution and I know releasing them into the wild is not the solution at all.