Personally, I hope they expand the building and live the pyramid untouched and just re-rout the track; actually give the attraction a budget if one gets greenlit. I would like to see another min-plaza built replicating the edge of town/ the graveyard. You could have a creative queue through the Rivera shoe workshop (with the family photo altar/projection pre-show.) Then through the edge of town and to the graveyard. The graveyard would utilize the tombstones as railings ale-Haunted Mansion outside queue with musion ghosts/spirits conversing/ gathering their offerings. We'd then make our way to a second pre-show room where we'd "touch relics" (stone ornaments on a blank gravestone such as a guitar, a paint brush/jar of paints, a soccer ball, a frying pan, etc. to represent careers or talents.) This is where magic band tech and photo scanning would come to play. This data would be used to create skeleton caricature avatars of the guests "to find" in The Land Of The Dead. After everyone has scanned a tombstone relic the projected marigold leaves will sweep across the floor and create a bridge to the ride vehicle station. Boats or if they have the budget, the sky trolley. The story would be that Miguel and Hector are taking us "to gather our family members" for the annual Day Of The Dead concert. Our "family members" would be on the screens obviously and each scene would be a different family member practicing the craft or career throughout the city and would end with them stopping what they're doing to hop onto the trolley that Miguel and Hector are on and follow us to the final scene with would be the concert. The concert would have and AA Miguel, Hector, and "our family members" would be in the background on screens playing instruments.