I'm going to try to call this. The rocket sims are staying, and I'm going to go so far as to say they won't bother changing the ride profile. I think they'll make the film adapt to the current profile, and the Minion Dance Party will be the new Chicken Dance. The press release almost screams it to me.
As far as "showing your dance moves", I say maybe some screens and cameras, a la Monsters Inc. Laugh Floor. The rocket sims only restrict the lower half of riders' bodies. Upper body is free to dance. There might be animations on those monitors so that we either look like minions or the minions interact with us, maybe. Post-show dance party sounds like a stretch to me. We'll see soon enough.
EDIT: Ehh, probably will change the ride profile, since it will likely be 'Boogie Fever'-esque. The rest of my prediction remains :thumbs: