Dynamic Attractions Sold | Inside Universal Forums

Dynamic Attractions Sold

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Platinum Member
Nov 30, 2012
Dynamic Attractions has been sold for the rock bottom price of $2 million (Canadian). Their financial troubles are hopefully at an end and they can continue to develop new ride systems.

from the article (emphasis mine):
Although Dynamic had CAD$31.9 million ($23.4 million) of assets, this was dwarfed by its liabilities which is why its sale price was so low. As PEL was Dynamic's senior secured creditor it was the most logical bidder and the filings reveal that its offer includes "the forgiveness and assumption of a significant portion" of the secured debt. It isn't clear how much the other creditors will receive but there is no doubt that Dynamic will emerge in a far stronger financial position simply because the secured debt has been slashed.
hope this means a more clear path forward for those working at dynamic.
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"Amongst the gems in Dynamic's production facility is a demonstration track for the Harry Potter Forbidden Journey ride that was fabricated for Universal. According to the filings, Dynamic has received a request from Universal to decommission and disassemble the track and pack/crate it for shipment to Universal in return for $149,750."