I thoroughly enjoyed the night time shows last night (Monday, June 19)...some more than others.
Sea Lions Tonight has always been a fun show, and the latest version is the best so far. The parodying of Dolphin Days and Kraken Unleashed had me in tears. I'm also happy the mime is back for it.
Club Sea Glow was interesting and a great way to get interactive with the guests. We caught the beginning before it was time to head over to Shamu Stadium.
I really loved the decor around the area. They really went all out.
Shamu's Celebration: Light Up The Night was ok, but honestly think Shamu Rocks was much better. We were just underwhelmed. Out with the old and in with the new I suppose. Part of it may have been that it was a long day with dodging rain & reworking our day with temporary closures earlier so we were pretty much ready to go. That's what I get for only getting a couple hours sleep the night before (I'm a night owl so it threw me off trying to go to bed so early...lol).
I did enjoy the pre-show since it puts people on the spot to either dance or hide...of which I have video of...lol It seemed some of the orcas weren't performing all their parts so there seemed to be a lot of down time about halfway though. Maybe I'm just being overly critical since I'm still stuck back when the trainers could still be in the water with them. It just isn't the same. I do find it better than One Ocean I'll admit as that show just doesn't do much for us and we mostly skip it when we come. Hopefully when it's replaced with what they've put in at the San Diego park it will be better.
Ignite. We almost left after Shamu, but ended up staying for Ignite. I'm glad we did. It was awesome. We watched from the pathway between Bayside Stadim and the park entrance by the water. We snagged some chairs and had a front row seat...from the side. It was still great and didn't have the obstruction of the stage. I know some video has been shared, but here's mine: