I think if Disney wanted to resolve the tavern dilemma (other than "tavern-izing" the drink they have), they could have a whole selection of crazy frothy expressions. They could blame it on LaFue being crazy or say that Maurice brewed the beverages with his new contraption. Either way, the odd ingredients in this drink wouldn't seem out of place among others like it, and Disney could avoid the whole "omgz, guys its harry putterbear!" confusion (almost "one-upping" the wizard, too) by having more than one specialty refreshment. But they need just normal root beer/root beer floats, as well. What do you guys think? I mean, it's not like they don't already have all the drinks they need at carsland. Also, get rid of those mugs. Now. They're atrocious.
Probably just a pipe dream, but it just makes sense to me. :shrug: