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Forbidden Journey Screens

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I definitely noticed it being a lot less crazy than before. Still fun, but I miss being whipped around; it didn't seem to lean back as far for the Whomping WIllow either.
I definitely noticed it being a lot less crazy than before. Still fun, but I miss being whipped around; it didn't seem to lean back as far for the Whomping WIllow either.

AFAIK the only reprofiling was in the 3 dome scenes. Whomping willow sections should be exactly the same :)
The projection brightness has definitely been altered... but I agree with those saying it's now much too bright. It's extremely over-saturated, with the human characters now looking like The Simpsons with pale yellow skin. My friend (who has been on the ride but once before a few years ago) commented as much without me saying anything about it.

The dragon barely moves these days, which is a shame.

I could for the first time see all of the "extra" Dementors lurking in the darkness right before the final domes (previously, I could only see one that appeared to be slightly illuminated). I don't know if my eyes had adjusted (it was during the day time, though) or if lighting has been slightly increased, but there are a handful of them just sitting there motionless in the darkness. Kinda creepy for the wrong reasons.
I could for the first time see all of the "extra" Dementors lurking in the darkness right before the final domes (previously, I could only see one that appeared to be slightly illuminated). I don't know if my eyes had adjusted (it was during the day time, though) or if lighting has been slightly increased, but there are a handful of them just sitting there motionless in the darkness. Kinda creepy for the wrong reasons.
I noticed that too back in June. The screens were as dim as ever, but I'll have to see how brighter they got soon.
If the domes aren't too dark then they're too bright. I can't with you guys.

They're bright for a reason. The saturation is a problem though. They're spending a LOT of money to update the projectors before Diagon Alley though.
If the domes aren't too dark then they're too bright. I can't with you guys.

They're bright for a reason. The saturation is a problem though. They're spending a LOT of money to update the projectors before Diagon Alley though.

Not our fault if they can't get it right... I don't mind it being bright, but I do mind the characters looking like they popped out of the Simpsons from the Studios. If a random guest who has never been on this ride makes a comment to me, you know there's an issue...
Not our fault if they can't get it right... I don't mind it being bright, but I do mind the characters looking like they popped out of the Simpsons from the Studios. If a random guest who has never been on this ride makes a comment to me, you know there's an issue...

The interesting thing here is your idea that they can't get it right. They got it exactly how they wanted it the first time, the problem is people puke after the ride. That's really the driving factor in changing the ride at all. If it's how JK Rowling, Warner Brothers and Creative want it, then it's right. If you don't like they way they want it then the bottom line is you don't like the ride.
The interesting thing here is your idea that they can't get it right. They got it exactly how they wanted it the first time, the problem is people puke after the ride. That's really the driving factor in changing the ride at all. If it's how JK Rowling, Warner Brothers and Creative want it, then it's right. If you don't like they way they want it then the bottom line is you don't like the ride.

Oooookay... I see your point, but I think they're nuts if they thought the incredible dimness/excessive motion blur made for a cohesive, believable experience. It doesn't. It's the #1 complaint I hear from friends who are not theme park fans.
Oooookay... I see your point, but I think they're nuts if they thought the incredible dimness/excessive motion blur made for a cohesive, believable experience. It doesn't. It's the #1 complaint I hear from friends who are not theme park fans.

They honestly thought the motion blur added to the experience and would reduce the vomit.
If the domes aren't too dark then they're too bright. I can't with you guys.

They're bright for a reason. The saturation is a problem though. They're spending a LOT of money to update the projectors before Diagon Alley though.

It's a losing battle Tom I gave up many moons ago :lol:
So I guess it isnt just me...

Well, I must say I am REALLY surprised & disappointed in how they re-adjusted the screens. So I rode yesterday for the first time in a few months. Once on the ride, the second I entered the first dome, for just a split second, I thought, "YEY! They finally updated/adjusted the projectors!" But that quickly faded as the colors immediatelly seemed way off, like there was always a noticeable tint of green or grey. Than, the more screens I saw, the more I started realizing what the problem was.

Well, thanks to my experience with video editing, I soon knew EXACTLY what the problem was. All they did was increase the BRIGHTNESS of the projector. Well, anytime you want to brighten up a video image/photograph, whether through editing, a TV, projector, etc., you cant just adjust the brightness, as now that decreases the contrast. So you have to increase the brightness AND the contrast. I do this anytime I want to brighten an image or a video.

Its ESPECIALLY noticeable when the scene is supposed to fade out to black at the end before exiting the dome. Now the "Fade out" is a bright grey/almost white. So the extremely low contrast now makes it more obvious than ever that you're actually looking at a video screen. Also, there was a scene where for the first time, the video actually made me slightly disoriented because of the super brightness/low contrast. So if they are worried about getting people sick, there going backwards, as I've never felt disoriented after watching a simulator screen until yesterday.

& ironically enough, when I rode a second time, the first "floo network" screen seemed incredibly dark. Weird, huh?

So I hope someone from Universal is reading this & make the adjustments SOON, as this is the first time I have EVER been disappointed after riding this ride. It actually looked better when it was darker.

I'm with Themeparkvigilante. I rode FJ for my first time in a few months on Saturday, and I agree with all of the points he made. I'm glad that they're brighter, but the colors do seem a bit off.
The green tint dome is the one I always get. Do not fret. Updates are coming later this year.

HUH? So its only one dome on the carousel, not ALL that have that problem? Both times I rode it was the same both times, & what are the odds of getting the same 2 domes on 2 different rides in a row?

Also, on the very last dome, it is overly saturated with blue when you see that dementor, & then when you're flying back to the castle, the contrast was so bad I could hardly make out flying back through the castle entrance.

Either way, what does projector upgrades have to do with just re-adjusting the contrast? If my little rinky dink 1080p DLP projector has all the standard settings just like any tv or monitor, Im sure there 4k projectors have them. But again, maybe it is more complicated than that. I guess we all will be anxiously awaiting these upgrades/adjustments/ whatever it is they plan on doing to fix these SOON!!
Its like 2 out of 6 of them. And it has to do with aging lamps. Also. Its 4 projectors per dome. Imagine trying to keep the image in tact.
Ah, aging lamps, how easy it is to forget about that! Just for my projector, a replacement lamp is around $400, hope I dont have to replace it anytime soon!

4 projectors per dome? So we're actually looking at one entire image that is actually created by four projectors at once?

Also I mentioned before that during a few spots the projector sometimes bleeds onto your lap bar, but not obvious or often enough for it it to reall be a big deal.