So I don't know if HHN maze locations are chosen with a pattern in mind, but as there is sometimes a pattern I figured I would point it out just in case it leads toward any potential speculation.
WW: TCM(2016), ToT(2017), H4(2018). Rumored: ?(2019). The main thread here being slasher films.
Parisian: Purge Gauntlet(2016), HoB(2017), UCM(2018). Rumored: UCM 2(2019). There isn't much of a thread here minus UCM being there in the past and being much more successful than the previous two things at this location.
Mummy: Exorcist(2016), Shining(2017), TrT(2018), Rumored: ?(2019). The main thread I see for this location is that each one has been a "bucket list" property or one Murdy has been interested in for a long time, though I dont know if that affects whats coming this year.
Metro: Krampus(2016), AvED(2017), TFP(2018), Rumored: Holidayz(2019). Not much of a thread for this location either, except for each of the mazes at this location being close to lowest rated of their year at the event, whether justified or not.
747: FvJ(2016), Saw(2017), Poltergeist(2018), Rumored: Hill House(2019). Not really any thread here at all, besides having good facades, so at least thats good.
FDTD: AHS(2016), Roanoke(2017), HoB 2(2018), Rumored: HoB 3(2019). Once again not much of a thread, unless you believe this years rumors in which case the thread would be the IP showing up twice at this location.