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Halloween Horror Nights 25 Discussion

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All good discussion, but Uni knows exactly what the sweet spot is and too be honest its park capacity. There are more things to do with the event going on at night than there is in the day time. So why would they not want to fill the park??? I am sure they heard all the complaining last year and what did they do, keep the park open an hour later. That is their solution and to be honest, its a great one. Lets everyone get 1-2 more houses in, and more money spent on drinks. Not everyone is going to be happy, but at the end of the day their job is to produce the best product to get the most guest through the doors. If some want to pay more for express passes, then the better for them.

Heading down on Thursday and cant wait to see what everyone is raving about !!!!!!
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Walking Dead is the Frozen of HHN :lol: If it keeps bringing in people and opening up wallets it will keep coming back. Im over it like all the rest but it doesn't bother me that there is a house there, still going to have a kick :shh:$$ night regardless
Yep I agree. I actually liked Waling Dead the first year. I've really lost interest in the series though so that has affected my excitement over the franchise in HHN. I'm indifferent to it at HHN now. I have a feeling next year could be Fear the Walking Dead, they're always looking for a different angle with its representation in HHN. I think the new series came along just in time for them to have something different to do.
All good discussion, but Uni knows exactly what the sweet spot is and too be honest its park capacity. There are more things to do with the event going on at night than there is in the day time. So why would they not want to fill the park??? I am sure they heard all the complaining last year and what did they do, keep the park open an hour later. That is their solution and to be honest, its a great one. Lets everyone get 1-2 more houses in, and more money spent on drinks. Not everyone is going to be happy, but at the end of the day their job is to produce the best product to get the most guest through the doors. If some want to pay more for express passes, then the better for them.

Heading down on Thursday and cant wait to see what everyone is raving about !!!!!!

I have been wanting the 1am closures for so long now and was happy they finally upped the hours. I think it might be only a matter of time until we see 2am closures through out the whole event
Yep I agree. I actually liked Waling Dead the first year. I've really lost interest in the series though so that has affected my excitement over the franchise in HHN. I'm indifferent to it at HHN now. I have a feeling next year could be Fear the Walking Dead, they're always looking for a different angle with its representation in HHN. I think the new series came along just in time for them to have something different to do.

Id be fine with that. I would just hope they don't ever make it a park wide thing
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I think a few folks on here are misguided in thinking that the average park guest has a desire/want/NEED to see "everything" at HHN.

There are plenty of people who have a great time seeeing only 3-4 houses, a show or two, 3-4 rides, having dinner somewhere, and taking the time to simply walk around the park.

The truth is - not everyone is like us. Not everyone needs to see "everything." In fact, most do not see these Houses as transformative, live theater. My friends think it's RIDICULOUS I will go through a house twice in one night (in actuality, I will go thru 3-4 times a night.)

You cannot compare our behaviors to that of the park majority.
This years walking dead house was the worst out of all of them (that's really saying something). I know it's not at this point but seriously, this franchise needs to die at HHN. Also fear the walking dead is 99% humans, it wouldn't match up to a haunted house at all since it's basically a drama with a little horror reference
I think a few folks on here are misguided in thinking that the average park guest has a desire/want/NEED to see "everything" at HHN.

There are plenty of people who have a great time seeeing only 3-4 houses, a show or two, 3-4 rides, having dinner somewhere, and taking the time to simply walk around the park.

The truth is - not everyone is like us. Not everyone needs to see "everything." In fact, most do not see these Houses as transformative, live theater. My friends think it's RIDICULOUS I will go through a house twice in one night (in actuality, I will go thru 3-4 times a night.)

You cannot compare our behaviors to that of the park majority.

I hate to agree, but Fatality is right. I know of people who went and saw four houses last year because they would "rather go on the rides while the lines are short" than wait in a long house line. None of them even bothered with "Halloween".
I have been wanting the 1am closures for so long now and was happy they finally upped the hours. I think it might be only a matter of time until we see 2am closures through out the whole event
If they ever go for a 10th house or beyond, then it will be necessary.
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This years walking dead house was the worst out of all of them (that's really saying something).

I would take 9 Haunted Houses with one of them being a Walking Dead House (which, come on people - they may not be scary anymore but they're still more impressive than most haunts nationwide....)

People often talk about "Glory Days" but were they around for them....? When there was seriously only 1-2 STELLAR houses, the rest were average, and 1-2 would be total poop (Disorientorium & Cold, Blind, Terror come to mind....)

Full Disclosure: My favorite year is still 2004 hands down no contest but HHN is still a stellar, one-of-its-kind event with which nothing can compete.
I hate to agree, but Fatality is right. I know of people who went and saw four houses last year because they would "rather go on the rides while the lines are short" than wait in a long house line. None of them even bothered with "Halloween".
A lot of locals who aren't huge fans of the event but they just like to come to have a fun time with friends and get drunk normally don't care, you're right. Many of those people rarely go to Uni, which is why they want to do the rides (I had this situation going with some friends last year).

The other thing about these type of locals? They tend to show up late. I'd say 7-8 is the norm for that crowd, so by that point, all the lines are already insanely long.
I think a few folks on here are misguided in thinking that the average park guest has a desire/want/NEED to see "everything" at HHN.

There are plenty of people who have a great time seeeing only 3-4 houses, a show or two, 3-4 rides, having dinner somewhere, and taking the time to simply walk around the park.

The truth is - not everyone is like us. Not everyone needs to see "everything." In fact, most do not see these Houses as transformative, live theater. My friends think it's RIDICULOUS I will go through a house twice in one night (in actuality, I will go thru 3-4 times a night.)

You cannot compare our behaviors to that of the park majority.
But would most people would want do do less by their choosing and not feel limited by the park itself? I would wonder how many people who do a single night aren't looking to do as many things as they can. Anyone I know that has the take it slow kind of approach to parks is usually more likely to go multiple days. I suppose its still different for locals.
A lot of locals who aren't huge fans of the event but they just like to come to have a fun time with friends and get drunk normally don't care, you're right. Many of those people rarely go to Uni, which is why they want to do the rides (I had this situation going with some friends last year).

The other thing about these type of locals? They tend to show up late. I'd say 7-8 is the norm for that crowd, so by that point, all the lines are already insanely long.
Yeah I think there is a large number of younger people who view this as something to do instead of going out to the clubs one night in the Halloween season.
I have been wanting the 1am closures for so long now and was happy they finally upped the hours. I think it might be only a matter of time until we see 2am closures through out the whole event
I wonder if they would ever go to 3am for peak nights or if that would even matter.
But would most people would want do do less by their choosing and not feel limited by the park itself? I would wonder how many people who do a single night aren't looking to do as many things as they can. Anyone I know that has the take it slow kind of approach to parks is usually more likely to go multiple days. I suppose its still different for locals.

I think that for an event of this nature people do not "feel limited by the park" nor are they "looking to do as many things as they can."

There are plenty of people who have ZERO desire for Original Content. They don't care about seeing The Body Collector's, or RUN. They wanna see FvJ, Insidious, Purge or the Walking Dead and they wanna ride some rides and walk around and just have a good time. Their end game is to enjoy oneself.
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I think that for an event of this nature people do not "feel limited by the park" nor are they "looking to do as many things as they can."

There are plenty of people who have ZERO desire for Original Content. They don't care about seeing The Body Collector's, or RUN. They wanna see FvJ, Insidious, Purge or the Walking Dead and they wanna ride some rides and walk around and just have a good time. Their end game is to enjoy oneself.

That doesn't really explain the years and years the event grew in popularity without relying on licensed properties. But yeah, Walking Dead versus Body Collectors, it isn't hard to guess which the drunk frat bro is gonna gravitate toward.
That doesn't really explain the years and years the event grew in popularity without relying on licensed properties. But yeah, Walking Dead versus Body Collectors, it isn't hard to guess which the drunk frat bro is gonna gravitate toward.

I think the event grew in popularity because the event grew - period. Also, the Halloween / Haunted House Industry was also booming. They added more and more Haunted Houses, they did more and more promotion (Art of the Scare)....

One could say that the beginning of it blowing up was HHN17 with Carnival of Carnage (IP's.)

People LOVE to hate on the IP's, but Universal's Original Motto was RIDE THE MOVIES.

I enjoy all of the experiences, regardless. But let's be real, the "originals" aren't all that "original" sometimes and the IP's still take a tremendous amount of Creativity and Innovation.

Hate on IP's all you want - but there's something to be said about walking thru a film, or seeing your favorite villain come to life....There's a reason why HALLOWEEN was so well rated last year....Because it was HALLOWEEN. You can't complain about too many IP's and then also scream about how that's the best house of the year.
I think a few folks on here are misguided in thinking that the average park guest has a desire/want/NEED to see "everything" at HHN.

There are plenty of people who have a great time seeeing only 3-4 houses, a show or two, 3-4 rides, having dinner somewhere, and taking the time to simply walk around the park.

The truth is - not everyone is like us. Not everyone needs to see "everything." In fact, most do not see these Houses as transformative, live theater. My friends think it's RIDICULOUS I will go through a house twice in one night (in actuality, I will go thru 3-4 times a night.)

You cannot compare our behaviors to that of the park majority.

I see where you're coming from, but I don't think this argument holds water. For the price you're paying, you deserve to be able to enjoy a good amount of the attractions. Even if thats not the case, the park isn't enjoyable when it's super packed, regardless of how many houses you get to go through. I have to pay full price this year, I don't want to have to wade through masses of people just to get from point A to point B. It's not just about how many houses you can do, it's about Universal's blatant disregard for guest comfort and value in order to sell more Express passes.
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I think a few folks on here are misguided in thinking that the average park guest has a desire/want/NEED to see "everything" at HHN.

There are plenty of people who have a great time seeeing only 3-4 houses, a show or two, 3-4 rides, having dinner somewhere, and taking the time to simply walk around the park.

The truth is - not everyone is like us. Not everyone needs to see "everything." In fact, most do not see these Houses as transformative, live theater. My friends think it's RIDICULOUS I will go through a house twice in one night (in actuality, I will go thru 3-4 times a night.)

You cannot compare our behaviors to that of the park majority.

Very good points that I also hadn't thought of. I fly in every year for a half week and I feel like I'm not getting my money's worth if I don't see every house every night I'm there. That being said, I skipped RHPS every year and only watched Bill & Ted once per year, so for locals who couldn't care less about some of these things, it definitely throws another dynamic into these hypotheticals.