I have been meaning to write my review of HHN27 since my trip to Orlando the 19th-25th, but just have been super busy.
Me and two of my friends from PA traveled to Orlando from 10/19-25 and stayed at Cabana Bay. We did horror nights on Friday the 20th and it was absolutely perfect! We did stay and scream in Springfield and we seemed to time almost everything perfectly! We were able to hit up all 9 houses, watch Bill and Ted, and ride Gringotts, Transformers, and The Mummy. We also spent a decent amount of time the scare zones especially Purge and Trick R Treat. We even sat in Ben & Jerrys for a good 20 minutes to rest...I"m kind of amazed how we managed to fit this all in. This is only my third year attending (2013/2015) and this is the first time I was able to do all the houses, and also unlike 2015 and to a lesser extent 2013. There were 0 houses I thought were unsatisfactory. Perhaps the fact that we barely waited for any of the houses helped me maintain a more positive view of them... but alas my rankings.
Sidenote- I did my rankings before read through this thread and I was kind of surprised how much mine seemed to vary from the consensus... I think that kind is a combination of personal taste and what our runs were like that night since i only experienced every house only once.
9. The Hive- This was the second house we did probably right around 6pm. It was still light out which may have possibly made it slightly less scary. We walked right in and I really did enjoy it, but I guess the reason I put this one last is I just felt the theme wasn't as strong as the others. I was looking around for a lot of detail and I felt it was hard to find.. I know this might be kind of silly but I was expecting more humanoid vampires. Though the makeup was top notch I felt they looked like weird demon/vampire/gremlin hybrids... I was kind of expecting a family of vampires.. Though there still were some cool stuff like the vamp hanging upside down. I think I missed the stilt scare which is a bummer. 6/10
8. Blumhouse-This was the first house we did and we were one of the first 20 people inside. It was still light and I think because it was literally the start of the night the cast was just getting the barrings because the timing seemed a tad off, I honestly didn't like that it was a mashup house considering the Purge/Sinister sections were over soooooooooooo quickly ... and with the very elaborate purge scarezone on the other side of the park it really didn't need to be there.. Sinister would have been cooler in an expanded role, but it was over too fast to really set the mood. Though the Insidious stuff kind of ran together for me, I think they should have just made this a full Insidous house considering it was a good 80% of the house and some of the stuff was really effective and atmospheric. I thought it was cool and pretty scary, but my complaint would just be I spent a lot of time trying to recognize what was going on that I never really got fully engrossed in the house. Still lots of fun. 7/10
7. Scarecrow: The Reaping- I know crazy right. We were able to do this one seventh . A 20 minute wait was posted and we only waited about 6-8 minutes.. and part of that was for a shift change parade of scarecrows. I know what you're thinking... this seems to be a huge fan fav and word has spread. We randomly heard tons of people saying Scarecrow was the best house Thursday and Friday and I knew it was really well received. I really liked it a lot and found it very atmospheric. The setting was great, I LOVED the outdoor facade and some of the rooms were really cool. I really enjoyed the room with all the crows/ravens above you pooping on you. We still really liked this house but it wasn't quite up to the MASSIVE expecations we had. Also I think watching the parade of scarecrows enter kind of soured things a tad as we knew exactly who we would be seeing inside so no surprises as far as characters were concerned, but I still quite enjoyed the setting. 7.5/10
6. Ash vs. The Evil Dead- We were able to do this one third and again just walked right in with nobody behind or in front of us. I did like that we were virtually alone so we got to watch most of the scenes unfold. I finally watched the original evil dead this October, but I didn't really know much about the show. So it all seemed a bit silly, but to be honest I really liked it.. I found it funny and at times a bit scary and it felt like more of a theatrical production than a haunted house.... but it was fun and different. I liked the music and the settings.. I thought all the different ash's were goofy but made it more fun. What puts this one so high for me though was the finale. The vampire puppet and then the keg finale were just perfect for us. We timed them just right... we walked out to see him with the Keg and I thought... oh I guess this is some kind of photo op... then he cut the keg and we all got sprayed... very cool 8/10
5. Dead Waters- We did this one 5th and we waited about 5 minutes the first room with the riverboat facade is FANTASTIC. really good stuff and all the following rooms are just as good. The atmosphere and mood is fantastic and although it's a pretty common trick at local haunted houses I really liked how they included the slanted floor section. The reason though I can't rate this any higher though is it was the only house that I really felt coming out of that it was wayyy too short. I remember the last room thinking ... woah I can't wait to see what's in the next room... but there was no next room

Still great, but just needed to be a bit longer and have a better finale... 8/10
4. The Fallen. We did this one 6th right after Dead Waters and waited about 15 or so minutes Reading through reviews I feel like people really downplay the atmosphere and setting of this one. I really felt like I was in a war torn/decaying cathedral and I thought the rooms really gave you this feeling. I thought it was quite beautiful and scary. The monsters were very well done and I thought the aerobatic tricks were fantastic. The one where the guy swung out at you was really cool as it was pitch black until he was right by you. Unfortunately I missed the other one though my friend two steps behind me filled me in and it sounded really cool . 9/10
3. Saw- We were originally going to do this 4th and waited in line for about 5-10 minutes when my friend suggested we do another house. The Shining was only posting a 10 minute wait and Saw said 40. So we got out of line and did The Shining. We later came back and did this 8th. This is the only house that we really waited for the sign said 40 minutes and it was exactly 40 minutes. Though I didn't read reviews I did guage from just checking the board that this house was considered to be less of a favorite than the others, so possibly my expectations were low, but I REALLY liked this house a lot. Maybe we just had a really good walk through but I just felt it was really atmospheric. I know it's not the hardest setting to portray (an abandoned warehouse but I really felt like I was in the films.. also with 8 films to pull from I was really shocked at how much I recognized. I'm glad they stuck with most of the iconic traps and characters and I remember getting scared several times. I also LOVED the bathroom from the first film. Very well done, great detail. Also liked the various water/blood effects int his one... 9/10
2. The Shining We did this one 4th and only waited about 5-10 minutes (see above). I think this comes down to what I said about personal preference. I think overall I tend to enjoy the IP houses more because I love seeing little details from the films/shows and am usually very impressed how great a job Uni does of capturing the film into a house. This was very well done with The Shining imho. The hedge maze entrance and exit were brilliant and the way Jack chased you out was amazing. I also thought the bar was sooo freaking cool it looked like they plucked it straight from the film. The actors in this house were also amazing. I remember intently watching a Jack and Wendy do the door scene that I didn't notice another Jack come up and scare the living crap out of me. Great job on the shower scene, dog, blood elevators, the twins.. I can't say enough about how much I enjoyed this house. 10/10
1. American Horror Story: I love love loved this house... The wait posted said 40 minutes but we only waited about 20. Even though it was a bit of a trick I loved how you did part of the que inside in the dark with all the various theme songs playing. Again the way they captured scenes from the show really blew me away. I haven't watched asylum or coven for a very long time and i thought it was so cool how random characters and scenes I forgot all about where included and instantly I recalled all these folks. Again they did a great job. There was one moment in particular where I was intently watching Pepper who was doing a great job of keeping my attention. I turned around and someone else was there to scare the shiz out of me. I also really liked the greenhouse in the coven room and the angel of death from asylum. I agree with most that Roanoke was the least cool part but they still did a great job with it all and I loved the variety of settings and characters and everything felt like it had time to breathe. 10/10
I'll give some more thoughts on Bill and Ted and the scare-zones later