that's actually a great idea. marketing could even use the year for shirts and merch. HHN 1984
the zones could be original but retro. I'm being serious, that idea is really great. ( just even bring back vamp 1985.
I was half joking that we need sequel houses in the same year ( since so many movie franchises can't be used. )
but imagine a hhn year based on an entire decade. HHN 1980s. and every ip house and zone is 1980s. ( with originals too)
someone could say that younger people wouldn't like it, but stranger things prove that people love the 80s. Ghostbusters as well.
your idea made my imagination go wild. imagine the park music being all 80s. now I'm sad it's never been done.
it would be so amazing
thirteen ghosts is literally Tailor made for hhn. it's the one property that fits the most perfectly for hhn. every single character. every part of the house, that movie feels like a ride.