A lot of effects are hit and miss.
first POV video released suggests two water effects: when "landing" from the freefall, and also from Bill's water spell. I posted about this a while back and no one responded, so I don't know if the first effect is shut off or if the video is misleading. When landing, there does seem to be a bit of a visual water effect on the screen, like water is dripping down the rider's goggles. Anyone know what I mean? A similar effect is used in first-person video games when walking through water, think Bioshock and stuff like that.
-There should be two heat effects: one along with the dragon's fire in the freefall scene and a second when Voldemort conjures the flaming head. Side note - I'm surprised there isn't a constant blast of low-level heat in the climax scene, considering it's a freakin' lava-filled room and everything.
-Three fog effects. One at the physical Thief's Downfall, a second when leaving the first Voldemort scene, and a third covering the KUKA-screen effect.