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HHN 2024: News & Info

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Don't feel guilty, we all have the same objective, it's no different than people clogging up the lines to get repeats in. Blame Universal. Express needs to exist because Express exists. Until they get rid of it, I'll personally keep utilizing it because waiting in general freakin' SUCKS literally because of how Express bypasses lines with 0 wait. And if it ain't gonna be us buying Express, it dang sure will be someone else -- so it might as well be us. After all, we ARE paying nearly THREE times as much as a normal day ticket for the privilege -- we could easily just go three times, but instead we said "hey, I want to go once and I want it to be great." It IS a premium and those ticketholders should get that experience. Should the line be as fast? Perhaps not, but it shouldn't be much slower either, because I barely finish everything with Express as it is (I'm always lugging around 7-15 additional people with me).

In a way I feel like I've "done my time" with the general line waits, as I barely started doing Express last year after more than 20 years of Haunts. However, I will HAPPILY -- and I emphasize HAPPILY -- wait in general if Express doesn't exist anymore. I experienced Disneyland without FastPass/Lightening Lane and it was amazing -- I can't think of a system more fair. But I won't take the moral high ground and wait 2 hours for a maze or stress myself with gameplans in the meantime, it literally helps nobody because like I said -- if it's not us, it certainly will be someone else paying that premium. If there's a major boycott to change the system, best believe I'd partake, but if all we get is the people on this forum to rally, it won't make a dent. Something drastic needs to happen, like a viral TikTok that makes Universal look REALLY REALLY BAD (this is where that footage may come in handy @Jerroddragon).

Even if they got rid of Express and not RIP, that'd be fine. Or even if they made Express MUCH MORE expensive so that it's much harder to acquire, it'd be harder for most people to get that ticket -- Universal makes the same amount of money but less people in Express lines, it's a win-win. But ultimately, I'd prefer, even if they raised prices by 25% for GA, that they simply get rid of Express or have non-Express nights. I don't know, now I'm spitballing and rambling. Point is, Universal is the bad guy here, not the users of Express haha

lol dark harbor has 3 lines. Theres like a “express” line and then a “vip” line. Them lines used to be crazy. GA was like 2 hours, the express an hour… vip 10 minutes LMAO
Technically we have three lines as well. Or at least we did last year, didn't pay attention this year.