While this house may not have turned out exactly like people were hoping, I have to say I honestly dug the hell out of this one! It was the kind of theme I adore, and it was chock full of big and little touches that I appreciated. Case in point, right at the beginning the façade is really good, the sheer height of the walls along with a unnerving soundtrack made for a very foreboding entrance which made you feel like you shouldn't be there at all.
I also liked how the carnies outfits/gear fit with whatever area they were in, there was some neat touches I didn't realize till later. Such as just what the Luv Shack couple was wearing which told their backstory perfectly.
The GAT's were definitely fun, though I'm curious if one particular thing was a GAT or not.
Right after Sal himself, there's a sign pointing to a mousetrap with a button on the wall to the right. With a amusing sign stating to warn the premises of any unsafe conditions. Was that a GAT? Or just a really good sight gag.
Another thing I liked was this house felt super long, it just kept going & going. Pretty impressive considering this was sharing the soundstage with Scary Tales (Which conversely felt and probably was the shortest house.).