I have 2 hangups so far but, as always, I’ll keep my mind open once (or if, depending on how many people are waiting for this every night!) I’m in line for a walkthrough:
1. The costuming makes me wish this was just the Vanity Ball house I’ve wanted since 2019 so much more. </3 Haha
2. I really enjoyed Hellbilly Deluxe as a zone in 2019 after not expecting to. I feel like zones are just better as showcases for musical artists as I can hang around and enjoy each song, plus their corresponding motifs/representations for the duration that works for me. Houses, by the nature of the event nowadays, do not afford that luxury, and need to churn people through as quickly as possible. It’s one of many reasons why what I’ve seen of Alice & Black Sabbath (both acts I ADORE btw) don’t look like they would have impressed me at all. The following happens already to a large enough degree to be frustrating, but I could also see the tracks playing within the house causing an unprecedented amount of conga line traffic jams when fans of Abel who are not familiar with the event try to stop and vibe with a whole song in a particular section of the maze lol.
All that being said, I’m hoping everyone at HHN gets the most out of what they’re attending for, and that nobody impedes anyone else from getting the most out of what they’re attending for.