^I haven't noticed any.
After many visits, finally saw the Jabbawockeez show... and I do think it's one of their better ones.
Did watch that Trackers vid. I'm assuming someone has corrected them thinking our haunted didn't have a frequent fear ticket, right?
I still have mixed feelings about all the black halls. I do get why so many are irritated. They are certainly overused, I won't argue that. At the same time, most of my biggest scares consistently happen in those black hallways. The ending of Insidous, which most people are raving about, is frankly a bunch of well-hidden actors in black hallways. They do create a sense of dread and unknowing, and for low cost. So I can see why it's done, and when used effectively, I don't mind them at all. At the same time, there can be too much where it comes across as lazy/low-budget. So I see both sides of this, but ultimately, I feel they have their place.
I'm curious, does anyone have any idea how the alcohol sales are doing? Is it bringing in significant income? Is the public responding to it? Not many SoCal haunts sell alcohol to my knowledge.