Lets see...
MK-3(BTMRR, Space, Barnstormer)
DAK- 2(Primeval Whirl, Everest)
IoA- 3(Fire, Ice, Hulk)
UO - 1(Mummy)
Six Flags Great Adventure- 12 (Nitro, Batman, Batman(Chiller), Robin(Chiller), Great American Scream Machine, Viper, El Toro, Kingda Ka, Skull Mountain, Superman: Ultimate Flight, The Dark Knight, Rolling Thunder)
Morey's Piers Wildwood, NJ - 3 (The Great White, Sea Serpent, The Great Nor'Easter)
Dorney Park- 4 (Talon, Steel Force, Laser, Hercules, I know there are more but the names are escaping me)
Hershey Park - 6 (Lightening Racers(2), Super Dooper Looper, Great Bear, Comet, Wildcat, again, I know there's more...)
Busch Gardens Williamsburg- 2 (Big Bad Wolf, Loch Ness Monster)
So my count is 37, but that's leaving some out that I know I've been on but forget the name...