Track length: 2,000 ft.
Track Traveled: 2,850 ft.
Max Height: 80 ft.
Max Drop: 75 ft.
Max Speed 45-50 mph.
Number of Trains: 2
Number of Cars Per Train: 3
Number of Riders Per Train: 18
Ride Time: 80-90 seconds
Capacity: 900-1000 People Per Hour
Footprint: 625 x 165 ft.
Inversions: 1 (Sidewinder - "soft inversion")
Height Restriction: 48"
Launches: 4 (First launch being backwards)
Train will will be on switch track when it leaves that station and will then engage the main course / launch track. Backwards launches will go into a double up, forwards launches will go into a twisting double up. At the end of the reverse launches will be a beyond vertical spike that will look a little bit like a hook. At the end of the last launch will be a top hat that will put the ride at it's max height. It'll twist 90* to the right on the ascent up and there will be a copper fin brake at the top to hold the train for a "cliffhanger" effect. Out of the top hat will be a low to the ground banked turn and then right into a set of airtime hill that will be taken with some decent speed. Then comes the sidewinder...and another aitime hill immediately following. Three more small airtime hills / s-curves and then you're hopping up into the brake run.
While this coaster will have a few thrill seeker elements....this coaster is all about the middle ground that they've lacked at that park, a 48" coaster to bridge the gap from Grover and Manta / Mako / Kraken.