Incredible Hulk Coaster Refurb | Page 238 | Inside Universal Forums

Incredible Hulk Coaster Refurb

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FYI some rule breaker has a low quality front seat video on youtube for those interested in seeing the launch tube. Search in the last 24 hours. Not sure exactly how...
Like an eyelash in your eye, the one thing bugging me right now is this coaster is called "The Incredible Hulk Coaster", yet, with the updated version, Banner/Hulk is nowhere to be found. Call it Despicable General Ross Coaster.
Could you actually take a copy of your pass and use that to scan for the lockers, that way if I lose that, I just lose a piece a paper, not my actual pass?

That is a great idea! I don't see why it wouldn't work it's just a barcode after all. I'm planning to go later today I'll give it a try.
Just to confirm this works perfectly! I simply scanned my pass and printed out a copy. Used it twice to get a locker as I had to go back and get someone else's stuff out. I'll probably print out a few extra copies and keep them in my wallet for this.

As far as the ride it was great. It didn't seem any smoother or rougher than before, any difference to me was very marginal. I sat in the front row didn't try out the back. The queue was nice. Overall it's an improvement, just not a huge improvement. My biggest complaint is the sound. The speakers are mounted in front of your feet so obviously when you have wind rushing past your ears your not going to hear it, it's a shame they didn't put them in the headrests.
Too, one of the reasons I like theme parks is because I love being roughly jerked around by powerful machinery. Spidey and Dinosaur make my day. Complaints of coaster roughness seems like sissy talk to me.

I don't mind a coaster riding a little rough. I just don't feeling like someone took a jackhammer to my skull. Hulk never made me feel that way.
Just like Kong, the imaginations of those watching the project and not knowing what was going on blew expectations out of proportions.
I agree with your point but... Universal did officially say there would be a brand new story and a completely redesigned queue. The queue is far from "completely redesigned" and there's not really a story at all anymore. So this wasn't entirely "imagination blowing out of proportion"...
I agree with your point but... Universal did officially say there would be a brand new story and a completely redesigned queue. The queue is far from "completely redesigned" and there's not really a story at all anymore. So this wasn't entirely "imagination blowing out of proportion"...

Press releases feature fluff words. By definition, the queue is re-designed.
Why don't you all Google what the old queue looked like and take a walk through the new one and say it hasn't been upgraded. Clearly from the concept art that everyone seems to be ignoring it would always have the same layout.

It looks like a real place now, with real effects. But sure, it's been almost a year and people forgot it used to look like this:

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The story is explained before load. It's right there on the screens. Hell you even get She-Hulk.
My biggest complaint is the sound. The speakers are mounted in front of your feet so obviously when you have wind rushing past your ears your not going to hear it, it's a shame they didn't put them in the headrests.

What's the story with this? I'm surprised the speakers aren't positioned to make soundtrack more prominent -- isn't the point to be able to hear the music? And aren't the speakers on Rip, Ride in the headrests?
I agree with your point but... Universal did officially say there would be a brand new story and a completely redesigned queue. The queue is far from "completely redesigned" and there's not really a story at all anymore. So this wasn't entirely "imagination blowing out of proportion"...
Read more closely, "a completely redesigned queue EXPERIENCE".
Just to confirm this works perfectly! I simply scanned my pass and printed out a copy. Used it twice to get a locker as I had to go back and get someone else's stuff out. I'll probably print out a few extra copies and keep them in my wallet for this.

As far as the ride it was great. It didn't seem any smoother or rougher than before, any difference to me was very marginal. I sat in the front row didn't try out the back. The queue was nice. Overall it's an improvement, just not a huge improvement. My biggest complaint is the sound. The speakers are mounted in front of your feet so obviously when you have wind rushing past your ears your not going to hear it, it's a shame they didn't put them in the headrests.
Lockers sound awesome! The rest sounds fine too. I just need to tamp down my expectations a bit, but am just happy we get the big green guy back!
Like an eyelash in your eye, the one thing bugging me right now is this coaster is called "The Incredible Hulk Coaster", yet, with the updated version, Banner/Hulk is nowhere to be found. Call it Despicable General Ross Coaster.

I agree. Tho he is present in the massive statue before you board. The hulk has now become a science experiment that alters the genetic structure of humans. Thats all the story seems to be from reading the lcd screens. Its not really about banner/hulk any more.