It sucks becuse while Jurassic is one of my favorite areas in the park, there is nothing or me to do unless there is excellent weather. If it is,cold, lightning, raining as an adult, all I can do is eat food. Starting left to right, my next land I'm doing anything in more than likely is suess coming from Marvel or toon after i leave Jurassic.
And I know there is HP, but with 3 outside attractions and one inside attraction that is a bit rough (last time I went one it), That should change. Sure there is Sinbad, and Poseidon, but I've seen sinbad enough times where I'm not going to watch it anymore:rofl: and Poseidon is a waste of time walk-through.
I'm hoping whatever comes , JP gets more indoor activities to balance out the water ride, outside kite ride adults can not get on.
IDK I'm just blabbering, We still have what, 3 years before anything happens right?