Recent pics and media relevant to this thread's interests (unless you don't like these types of coasters). Coaster's looking (and running) incredible. It's a bucket list coaster for me, to be sure. :grin::grin:
Looking out at the coaster from the station (care of
cduarte125 on the
r/rollercoasters Reddit). This is probably my favorite picture of this coaster so far. I love these sorts of shots.
Test runs from early this morning:
Test run shot from a different angle. That first drop, though... It's a thing of beauty and dreams!
And, finally, from user
Mr Kevinwood over on Youtube, another video taken from the Midway, with the coaster roaring through its zero-g stall right above it (first pass is around the 30 second mark, second pass--the zero-g stall--around 40secs) . Can't wait to see the pics of this element with riders--imagine being on the ground and looking up as the train roars right above you. :exclap::exclap: (High fives, anyone?

And one last picture, again from the
r/rollercoasters Reddit, taken at dawn by user
HerpDerpinAtWork. The steam behind the coaster is from the Edgar Thompson Works (a working steel mill) beyond the park, which is especially fitting. I love the industrial look of Steel Curtain a lot more than I thought I would